You can run a pre-validation check before upgrading vRealize Business for Cloud. You can also evaluate vRealize Business for Cloud upgrades and run an upgrade operation later.


  1. On the Lifecycle Operations page, click Manage Environments.
  2. Right-click the vertical ellipses of an existing vRealize Business for Cloud product and select Upgrade.
    The compatibility matrix information is displayed with new, compatible, and incompatible versions of the products to be upgraded.
  3. In the Product details section, select the repository type.
    Repository type Description
    Repository URL When you select this option, you can manually add the local upgrade file location in the vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager virtual appliance.
    vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager Repository When you select this option, you can enter the upgrade path available after mapping the binaries through vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Click RUN PRECHECK to run the file format and Version support from vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager.
    When the pre-check validation is finished, download the report to view the checks and validation status.
    Note: If you want to run the pre-check again after evaluating the discrepancies, select Re-Run Pre Check. You can also re-run the pre-check by using the Submit toggle button.