Before you can begin using the Management Pack, you must create an adapter instance to identify the host from which the Management Pack will retrieve data.


  1. From the top navigation bar, select Administration. In the right panel, the Solutions view will be displayed.
  2. Select Dell EMC Isilon from the Solutions list on the right.

  3. Click the Configure configure_icon icon. The Manage Solution window will appear.
    Note: Click the Add add_icon icon above the Instance Name list on the left to create multiple adapter instances.

  4. In the Manage Solution window, enter the following information:
    1. Instance Settings:

      • Display Name: A name for this particular instance of the Management Pack.
      • Description: Optional, but it can be helpful to describe multiple instances of the Management Pack.
    2. Basic Settings:
      • Host:We recommend specifying a virtual IP (VIP) for your Dell EMC Isilon system. Using the VIP will help ensure failover occurs if the primary node goes down.
      • Credential: Select the credential you created when Creating a Credential (Dell EMC Isilon).
    3. Advanced Settings:
      • Collector(s)/Groups: Default Collector/Group is automatically selected. Click the drop-down menu if you want to run the collection on a different node.
      • SSL Config: Options are No Verify (default value; SSL enabled/certificate not verified) and Verify (SSL enabled/certificate verified). If you select Verify, see: Adding an SSL Certificate to the vROps Truststore (Dell EMC Isilon).

      • Port: Specify the port at which to make OneFS requests. Default port is 8080.

        Note: If using SSL, see our Customer Support Team's knowledge article Installing a Security Certificate for the Dell EMC Isilon Management Pack for information about default ports for Isilon security certificate installations.
      • Collect Events: Select whether or not you want events to be collected. Default value is true to enable collection; select false if you want to disable event collection.
      • Connection Timeout (Seconds):Enter the number of seconds to wait before closing a connection to the host if a response has not yet been received. Default value is 30 seconds.
      • Max Events: Enter the maximum number of events to keep in vROps at any given time. Limiting the number of events will prevent performance from being negatively affected. Default value is 1000.
      • Max Concurrent Requests: Enter the maximum number of concurrent REST requests to send at once. Limiting concurrent requests reduces the load on the target system, but increases overall collection time. Default value is 5.
      • Max Retries: Enter the maximum number of times you want the management pack to attempt to connect to the host if an error occurs. Default value is 3.
      • Collect Access Zone – Collect Network Interfaces: Select whether or not to collect each of the resources. Options are: Collect (default) or Off. If you select Off, REST requests will not be sent to the endpoints related to that resource kind.
      • Support Autodiscovery: When you enable autodiscovery (set to True ; default setting), the Management Pack creates resources and relationships in vROps, then collects data for the discovered resources after the main collection query runs.
  5. Click Test Connection to test the configured connection information. If you encounter any errors, see: Troubleshooting the Management Pack (Dell EMC Isilon).
  6. Click Save Settings and Close to save your adapter instance. 

What to do next