The Management Pack for Microsoft Azure SQL collects the metrics listed in the table below, according to Azure resource kinds.

Note: The table below lists all possible collected metrics for Microsoft Azure resources. Note that certain metrics/properties are available only with Microsoft Azure's Premium pricing tier. In addition, certain resources/properties/metrics/events are available only with the Azure Subscription & SQL Database Credential (see Creating a Credential (Microsoft Azure SQL).

Download metrics list as .csv file

Resource Kind Resource Group Resource Attribute Attribute Type Attribute Description
Microsoft Azure Elastic Pool CPU CPU Usage float Percentage of CPU in use by the Elastic Pool.
Microsoft Azure Elastic Pool Details Database Count integer Number of databases used by the Elastic Pool.
Microsoft Azure Elastic Pool Relationships Resource Group Parents string List of parent Resource Group resources
Microsoft Azure Elastic Pool Relationships SQL Database Children string List of child SQL Database resources
Microsoft Azure Elastic Pool Relationships SQL Server Parents string List of parent SQL Server resources
Microsoft Azure Elastic Pool Status State string Current state of the Elastic Pool.
Microsoft Azure Elastic Pool Storage Data IO float Physical data read percentage of the Elastic Pool.
Microsoft Azure Elastic Pool Storage In-Memory OLTP Storage float Percentage of in-memory Online Transaction Processing storage in use by the Elastic Pool
Microsoft Azure Elastic Pool Storage Log IO float Log write percentage of the Elastic Pool.
Microsoft Azure Elastic Pool Storage Storage float Storage size, in megabytes, of the Elastic Pool.
Microsoft Azure Elastic Pool Storage Storage Limit integer Storage limit, in bytes, of the Elastic Pool.
Microsoft Azure Elastic Pool Storage Storage Usage float Percentage of storage in use by the Elastic Pool.
Microsoft Azure Elastic Pool Storage Storage Used integer Storage used, in bytes, by the Elastic Pool.
Microsoft Azure Elastic Pool Workload DTU Consumption float Percentage of Database Transaction Units consumed by the Elastic Pool.
Microsoft Azure Elastic Pool Workload Maximum Database DTU float Maximum observed Database Transaction Unit of the Elastic Pool.
Microsoft Azure Elastic Pool Workload Minimum Database DTU float Minimum observed Database Transaction Unit of the Elastic Pool.
Microsoft Azure Elastic Pool Workload Sessions float Percentage of concurrent sessions in use. The maximum is determined by the service tier.
Microsoft Azure Elastic Pool Workload Workers float Percentage of concurrent workers (requests) which are running. The maximum is determined by the service tier.
Microsoft Azure Elastic Pool Workload eDTU Limit integer Elastic Database Transaction Unit limit for the Elastic Pool.
Microsoft Azure Elastic Pool Workload eDTU Used integer Elastic Database Transaction Units used by the Elastic Pool.
Microsoft Azure Resource Group Relationships Elastic Pool Children string List of child Elastic Pool resources
Microsoft Azure Resource Group Relationships SQL Data Warehouse Children string List of child SQL Data Warehouse resources
Microsoft Azure Resource Group Relationships SQL Database Children string List of child SQL Database resources
Microsoft Azure Resource Group Relationships SQL Server Children string List of child SQL Server resources
Microsoft Azure Resource Group Relationships Virtual Machine Children string List of child Virtual Machine resources
Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse CPU CPU Usage float Percentage of CPU in use by the SQL Data Warehouse.
Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse CPU Value of 100 for Capacity Calculations integer Metric generated with purpose of Value of 100 for Capacity Calculations.
Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse Details Service Level Objective string Service level objective of the SQL Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse Network Connections Blocked by Firewall integer Number of connections to the SQL Data Warehouse which are blocked by the firewall.
Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse Network Failed Connections integer Number of failed connections to the SQL Data Warehouse.
Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse Network Successful Connections integer Number of successful connections to the SQL Data Warehouse.
Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse Relationships Resource Group Parents string List of parent Resource Group resources
Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse Relationships SQL Server Parents string List of parent SQL Server resources
Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse Status Status string Status of the SQL Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse Storage Data IO float Physical data read percentage of the SQL Data Warehouse.
Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse Storage Total Database Size integer The total size, in bytes, of the SQL Data Warehouse.
Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse Workload Current Service Level Objective string Current service level objective of the SQL Data Warehouse.
Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse Workload DWU Consumption float Percentage of Data Warehouse Units consumed by the SQL Data Warehouse.
Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse Workload DWU Limit integer Data Warehouse Units limit of the SQL Data Warehouse.
Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse Workload DWU Used float Data Warehouse Units used by the SQL Data Warehouse.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Active Processes Active Transactions integer Number of active transactions on database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database CPU Value of 100 for Capacity Calculations integer Metric generated with purpose of Value of 100 for Capacity Calculations.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database CPU CPU Usage float Percentage of CPU in use by the SQL Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Capacity Data Space float Database data space.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Capacity Index Space float Database index space
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Capacity Reserved Space float Database reserved space.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Capacity Reserved Space Unused float Database unused reserved space.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Capacity Size Used float Database size.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Config Auto Close string Shows whether auto close is enabled
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Config Auto Create Statistics string Shows whether auto create statistics is enabled.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Config Auto Shrink string Shows whether auto shrink is enabled.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Config Auto Update Statistics string Shows whether auto update statistics is enabled.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Config Read Only string Shows whether read only mode is enabled.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Config Single User Mode string Shows whether single user mode is enabled.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Connection Capacity Active Connections integer The Active Connections of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Connection Capacity Connections integer The Connections of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Connection Capacity Possible Connections integer The Possible Connections of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Details Current Service Level Objective string Current service level objective of the SQL Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Details Service Tier Name string Name of the current service tier of the SQL Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Disk Access IOPS float Total amount of disk write and read operations.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Disk Access Read Data float Disk read data for database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Disk Access Read Delay float The Read Delay of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Disk Access Read Operations float This metric represents the amount of disk read operations over time.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Disk Access Total Data float Total disk read and write data for database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Disk Access Write Data float Disk write data for database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Disk Access Write Delay float The Write Delay of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Disk Access Write Operations float This metrice represents the amount of disk write operations over time.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database General Creation Date string The database creation date.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database General ID integer The ID of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database General Recovery Model string The recovery model of the database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database General Resource Name string The Resource Name of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database General Service Tier string Service Tier of the database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database General Status string The current status of the database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database General Time Since Creation float Days since database was created.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Geo-Replication Database Name string Name of the geo-replicated database on the linked logical server.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Geo-Replication Geo Replica Database Name string Name of the geo-replicated database on the linked logical server.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Geo-Replication Interlink Connected string Is the interlink connected?
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Geo-Replication Last Replication string The timestamp of the last transaction’s acknowledgement by the secondary based on the primary database clock.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Geo-Replication Modify Date string UTC time at regional SQL Database datacenter when the database geo-replication has completed.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Geo-Replication Partner Database ID integer
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Geo-Replication Partner Server Name string Name of the logical server containing the partner geo-replicated database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Geo-Replication Replication Lag integer Time difference in seconds between the last_replication value and the timestamp of that transaction’s commit on the primary based on the primary database clock.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Geo-Replication Replication State integer The state of geo-replication for this database
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Geo-Replication Replication State Description string The state of geo-replication for this database
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Geo-Replication Role integer Geo-replication role for this database
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Geo-Replication Role Description string Geo-replication role for this database
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Geo-Replication Secondary Allows Connections integer The secondary type
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Geo-Replication Secondary Allows Connections Description string The secondary type
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Geo-Replication Server Name string Name of the logical server containing the geo-replicated database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Geo-Replication Start Date string UTC time at a regional SQL Database datacenter when the database replication was initiated
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Geo-Replication Status Replication State integer
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Geo-Replication Status Replication State Description string
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Geo-Replication Target Role string Is it the target of the copy relationship?
Microsoft Azure SQL Database History Approximate Last Start Date string The Approximate Last Start Date of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database History Days Since Last Start integer The Days Since Last Start of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Index Performance User Lookups float The User Lookups of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Index Performance User Scans float The User Scans of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Index Performance User Seeks float The User Seeks of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Index Performance User Updates float The User Updates of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Locks Lock Timeouts float The Lock Timeouts of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Memory Buffer Ideal Page Life Expectancy float The Buffer Ideal Page Life Expectancy of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Memory Buffer Pool Size float The Buffer Pool Size of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Network Connections Blocked by Firewall integer Number of attempted connections to the SQL Database which were blocked by the firewall.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Network Failed Connections integer Number of failed connections to the SQL Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Network Successful Connections integer Number of successful connections to the SQL Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Process States Background Processes integer The Background Processes of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Process States Blocked Processes integer The Blocked Processes of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Process States Dormant Processes integer The Dormant Processes of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Process States Preconnect Processes integer The Preconnect Processes of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Process States Runnable Processes integer The Runnable Processes of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Process States Running Processes integer The Running Processes of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Process States Sleeping Processes integer The Sleeping Processes of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Process States Suspended Processes integer The Suspended Processes of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Queries Average Query CPU integer The average CPU time for all queries.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Queries Average Query Executions integer The average execution count for all queries.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Queries High Query CPU integer The highest CPU time of all queries.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Queries High Query Executions integer The highest execution count of all queries.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Queries Total Query CPU integer The total CPU time of all queries.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Queries Total Query Executions integer The total execution count of all queries.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Relationships Elastic Pool Parents string List of parent Elastic Pool resources
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Relationships Resource Group Parents string List of parent Resource Group resources
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Relationships SQL Server Parents string List of parent SQL Server resources
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Relationships Geo-Replication Group Parents string List of parent Geo-Replication resources
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Relationships Query Children string List of child Query resources
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Status Status string The current status of the database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Storage Converted Database Size double The database size converted to gigabytes by default.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Storage Data IO float Physical data read percentage of the SQL Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Storage In-Memory OLTP Storage float Percentage of In-Memory Online Transaction Processing storage in use by the SQL Database
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Storage Log IO float Log write percentage of the SQL Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Storage Max Database Size float Maximum size, in gigabytes, of the SQL Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Storage Total Database Size integer Total size, in bytes, of the SQL Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Tasks Runnable Tasks Count integer The Runnable Tasks Count of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Threads Threads integer The Threads of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Utilization Average CPU float Average compute utilization in percentage of the limit of the service tier.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Utilization Average Data I/O float Average data I/O utilization in percentage of the limit of the service tier.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Utilization Average Log Write float Average write resource utilization in percentage of the limit of the service tier.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Utilization Average Memory float Average memory utilization in percentage of the limit of the service tier.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Utilization In-Memory OLTP Storage float Storage utilization for In-Memory OLTP in percentage of the limit of the service tier (at the end of the reporting interval).
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Utilization Max Storage Size float Maximum storage size for the time period, including database data, indexes, stored procedures and metadata.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Utilization Maximum Concurrent Sessions float Maximum concurrent sessions in percentage of the limit of the database’s service tier.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Utilization Maximum Concurrent Workers float Maximum concurrent workers (requests) in percentage of the limit of the database’s service tier.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Wait Instance Wait Time float The Instance Wait Time of the Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Workload Active Time Ratio float Ratio of time the SQL Database is active.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Workload Average DTU float Average observed Database Transaction Units of the SQL Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Workload DTU Consumption float Percentage of Database Transaction Units consumed by the SQL Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Workload DTU Limit integer Current max database DTU setting for this database during this interval.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Workload DTU Used integer Database Transaction Units used by the SQL Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Workload Database Size Usage float Percentage of storage being used by the SQL Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Workload Deadlocks integer Number of deadlocks in the SQL Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Workload Maximum DTU float Maximum observed Database Transaction Units of the SQL Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Workload Minimum DTU float Minimum observed Database Transaction Units of the SQL Database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Workload Sessions float Percentage of concurrent sessions in use. The maximum is determined by the service tier.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Workload Workers float Percentage of concurrent workers (requests) which are running. The maximum is determined by the service tier.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Objects Database ID integer The Database ID of the Object.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Objects Name string The Name of the Object.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Objects SQL Server string The SQL Server where the Object resides.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Objects Average Page Lock Wait Duration float Average page log wait time on database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Objects Average Row Lock Wait Duration float Average row lock wait time on database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Objects Database Name string The Database Name of the Object.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Objects Page Locks float Number of page locks used by database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Objects Page Lock Waits float Number of page locks currently in waiting state on database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Objects Row Locks float Number of row locks on database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Objects Row Lock Waits float Number of row locks currently in waiting state on database.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Objects Database Parents string List of parent Database resources
Microsoft Azure Query General Average Execution Time float The Average Execution Time of the Query.
Microsoft Azure Query General Database Name string The Database Name of the Query.
Microsoft Azure Query General Execution Context Name string The Execution Context Name of the Query.
Microsoft Azure Query General Execution Context Type string The Execution Context Type of the Query.
Microsoft Azure Query General Execution Count float The Execution Count of the Query.
Microsoft Azure Query General Execution Time float The Execution Time of the Query.
Microsoft Azure Query General Last Execution float The Last Execution of the Query.
Microsoft Azure Query General Last Update double The Last Update of the Query.
Microsoft Azure Query General Name string The Name of the Query.
Microsoft Azure Query General SQL HTML Text string The HTML Highlighted SQL text of this query
Microsoft Azure Query General SQL ID string The ID of the query.
Microsoft Azure Query General SQL Text string The SQL Text of the Query.
Microsoft Azure Query General Unique Query Plans integer The Unique Query Plans of the Query.
Microsoft Azure Query Relationships Database Parents string List of parent Database resources
Microsoft Azure SQL Server CPU Average CPU Usage float Average CPU usage by databases on the SQL Server.
Microsoft Azure SQL Server Details SQL Version string The SQL Version of the Server.
Microsoft Azure SQL Server Details Type string The Type of the Server.
Microsoft Azure SQL Server Queries Dead Locked Queries integer The total of deadlocked queries.
Microsoft Azure SQL Server Queries High Query CPU integer The highest CPU time of all queries.
Microsoft Azure SQL Server Queries High Query Executions integer The highest execution count of all queries.
Microsoft Azure SQL Server Queries SQL HTML Text string The HTML Highlighted SQL text of this query
Microsoft Azure SQL Server Queries Total Query CPU integer The total CPU time of all queries.
Microsoft Azure SQL Server Queries Total Query Executions integer The total execution count of all queries.
Microsoft Azure SQL Server Relationships Elastic Pool Children string List of child Elastic Pool resources
Microsoft Azure SQL Server Relationships Resource Group Parents string List of parent Resource Group resources
Microsoft Azure SQL Server Relationships SQL Data Warehouse Children string List of child SQL Data Warehouse resources
Microsoft Azure SQL Server Relationships SQL Database Children string List of child SQL Database resources
Microsoft Azure SQL Server Storage Average Data IO float Average physical data read percentage of databases on the SQL Server.
Microsoft Azure SQL Server Storage Average Database Size float Average size in bytes of databases on the SQL Server.
Microsoft Azure SQL Server Storage Average In-Memory OLTP Storage float Average percentage of In-Memory Online Transaction Processing storage in use by databases on the SQL Server.
Microsoft Azure SQL Server Storage Average Log IO float Average log write percentage of databases on the SQL Server.
Microsoft Azure SQL Server Workload Average Concurrent Sessions float Percentage of concurrent sessions in use. The maximum is determined by the service tier.
Microsoft Azure SQL Server Workload Average Concurrent Workers float Percentage of concurrent workers (requests) which are running. The maximum is determined by the service tier.
Microsoft Azure SQL Server Workload Average DTUs Used float Average Database Transaction Units used by databases on the SQL Server.
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine CPU CPU Usage float Percentage of CPU in use by the Virtual Machine.
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine CPU Value of 100 for Capacity Calculations integer Metric generated with purpose of Value of 100 for Capacity Calculations.
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Details Location string Location of the Virtual Machine.
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Details OS Type string Type of Operating System running on the Virtual Machine.
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Details OS VHD URI string URI of the Virtual Hard Disk used by the Virtual Machine.
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Details Service Tier string Service Tier of the Virtual Machine.
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Disk Data Read from Disk float Data read from disk by the Virtual Machine.
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Disk Data Written to Disk float Data written to disk by the Virtual Machine.
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Disk Disk Read Operations float Rate of disk read operations performed by the Virtual Machine.
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Disk Disk Write Operations float Rate of disk write operations performed by the Virtual Machine.
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Network FQDNs string List of fully qualified domain names of the Virtual Machine.
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Network Network In float Network data received by the Virtual Machine.
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Network Network Out float Network data sent by the Virtual Machine.
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Network Private IP Addresses string List of private IP addresses of the Virtual Machine.
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Network Public IP Addresses string List of public IP addresses of the Virtual Machine.
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Network Subnet Prefixes string List of subnet prefixes of the Virtual Machine.
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Network Subnets string List of subnets of the Virtual Machine.
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Relationships Resource Group Parents string List of parent Resource Group resources
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Status Provisioning State string Provisioning state of the Virtual Machine.
Microsoft Azure Subscription Licensing Licensable Resource Count integer The count of all licenable resources
Microsoft Azure Geo-Replication Group Details Primary SQL Database string The primary SQL Database in this Geo-Replication Group
Microsoft Azure Geo-Replication Group Details SQL Database List string All known SQL Databases that are part of this Geo-Replication Group
Microsoft Azure Geo-Replication Group Relationships Database Children string List of children SQL Database resources

Metrics Available Only with Microsoft Azure Premium Pricing Tier

The following properties/metrics are available only withMicrosoft Azure'sPremium pricing tier (unless connecting with an Admin user):


  • approx_last_start


  • approx_last_start
  • buffer_ideal_page_life_expectancy
  • buffer_pool_size
  • time_since_last_start
  • wait_time
  • iops
  • read_data
  • read_delay
  • read_ops
  • runnable_tasks_count
  • thread_count
  • total_data
  • write_data
  • write_delay
  • write_ops

Metrics Available Only with Microsoft Azure Subscription & SQL Database Credentials

The following resources, metrics, and properties are available only with the Azure Subscription & SQL Database Credential when Creating a Credential (Microsoft Azure):

SQL Database


  • Approximate Last Start Date
  • Auto Close
  • Auto Create Statistics
  • Auto Shrink
  • Auto Update Statistics
  • Creation Date
  • Name
  • Read Only
  • Recovery Model
  • Server Name
  • Service Tier
  • Single User Mode

Geo-Replication specific properties

  • Geo-Replica Database Name
  • Last Replication
  • Modify Date
  • Name
  • Partner Server Name
  • Secondary Allows Connections
  • Secondary Allows Connections Description
  • Server Name
  • Start Date


  • Active Connections
  • Active Transactions
  • Average CPU
  • Average Data I/O
  • Average Log Write
  • Average Memory
  • Background Processes
  • Blocked Processes
  • Buffer Ideal Page Life Expectancy
  • Buffer Pool Size
  • Connections
  • DTU Limit
  • Data Space
  • Days Since Last Start
  • Dormant Processes
  • IOPS
  • In-Memory OLTP Storage
  • Index Space
  • Instance Wait Time
  • Max Storage Size
  • Maximum Concurrent Sessions
  • Maximum Concurrent Workers
  • Possible Connections
  • Preconnect Processes
  • Read Data
  • Read Delay
  • Read Operations
  • Reserved Space
  • Reserved Space Unused
  • Runnable Processes
  • Runnable Tasks Count
  • Running Processes
  • Size Used
  • Sleeping Processes
  • Status
  • Suspended Processes
  • Threads
  • Time Since Creation
  • Total Data
  • User Lookups
  • User Scans
  • User Seeks
  • User Updates
  • Write Data
  • Write Delay
  • Write Operations

Geo-Replication specific metrics

  • Replication Lag
  • Replication State
  • Replication State Description
  • Role
  • Role Description


  • Highly Fragmented Indexes
  • Mildly Fragmented Indexes
  • Missing Benificial Index
  • Never Accessed Indexes
  • Potentially Inefficient Indexes
  • Unused Maintained Indexes

Object Instance Metric Groups (under SQL Database)


  • Database Name


  • Average Page Lock Wait Duration
  • Average Row Lock Wait Duration
  • Page Locks Acquired
  • Page Locks Requested
  • Row Locks Acquired
  • Row Locks Requested


  • All resources and metrics/properties

SQL Server


  • Name
  • SQL Version
  • Type


  • Active Connections

Microsoft Azure Geo-Replication Group

  • All resources and properties