Before starting the following instructions, be sure to have an Active Directory user that is in the "Domain Users" group.
Required Permissions and Role
To create your MS SQL least-privileged user (LPU), you will need to complete the following general tasks:
1. Create a local user on your MS SQL database with at least read permissions (db_datareader role) for the VirtualManagerDB database and the following tables:
tbl_ADHC_HostCluster |
tbl_ADHC_HostVolume |
tbl_BTBS_HostGroup |
tbl_IL_OS |
tbl_PCMT_TieredPerfCounter |
tbl_VMM_GlobalSetting |
tbl_WLC_HWProfile |
tbl_WLC_PhysicalObject |
tbl_WLC_VDrive |
tbl_WLC_VHD |
tbl_WLC_VMInstance |
tbl_WLC_VObject |
View_ADHC_HostData |
2. For Failed Job Events, the following is also required:
tbl_TR_TaskTrail |