We recommend adding an SSL certificate for your SCOM host server to the vROps truststore to prevent a Missing SSL Certificate error during configuration, as well as help provide an added level of security. (See: Troubleshooting the Management Pack (SCOM))

Note: Different levels of security can be configured in the Management Pack. The least secure configuration is to set the SSL Config Advanced Setting to No SSL. The next level of security is to set SSL Config to No Verify , and the Management Pack will accept all SSL certificates. For the highest level of security, you can set SSL Config to Verify, and the Management Pack will have to verify the SSL certificate on your vROps system. See: Creating an Adapter Instance (SCOM).

To add the SSL certificate to your vROps truststore:

  1. Obtain the SSL certificate for your SCOM host server from your Internet browser. Export the certificate as an X.509 Certificate (PEM).
  2. Copy the certificate to your vROps machine.
  3. Use ‘ssh’ to log in to the vROps machine as the root user, then run the following command:


    $VCOPS_BASE/jre/bin/keytool -import -alias <product_alias> -file /tmp/<certfile> -keystore “$VCOPS_DATA_VCOPS/user/conf/ssl/tcserver.truststore” -storepass <truststore_password> -trustcacerts


    %VCOPS_BASE%\jre\bin\keytool -import -alias <product_alias> C:\path\to\certfile -keystore “%VCOPS_DATA_VCOPS%\user\conf\ssl\tcserver.truststore” -storepass <truststore_password> -trustcacerts

    Note: The <truststore_password> is generated by vROps and is located in/storage/vcops/user/conf/ssl/storePass.properties. Copy the password from thessltruststorePassword= field and paste it in the <truststore_password> placeholder.

    Parameter Descriptions:

    • -alias is a unique name for each key that you add (per host)
    • certfile is the location where the cert file was saved
  4. Run the reboot command to re-start the vROps machine for the changes to take effect.