Use the datastore browser to copy folders or files to a new location, either on the same datastore or on a different datastore.

Virtual disk files are moved or copied without format conversion. However, if a target datastore belongs to a host different from the source host, you might need to convert the virtual disk. Otherwise, you might fail to use the disk.

You cannot copy VM files across vCenter Servers.


Required privilege: Datastore.Browse Datastore


  1. Open the datastore browser.
    1. Display the datastore in the inventory.
    2. Right-click the datastore and select Browse Files ().
  2. Browse to an object you want to copy, either a folder or a file.
  3. Select the object and click the Copy selection to a new location () icon.
  4. Specify the destination location.
  5. (Optional) Select the Overwrite files and folders with matching names at the destination check box.
  6. Click OK.