To import license keys data and synchronize your vSphere environment with your Customer Connect environment, use the Import My License Keys Data wizard to upload a Products, Licenses, Details, and History .CSV file that you generate in the Customer Connect reports section.

You upload the .CSV file that you generate in Customer Connect on the Upload import file page of the Import License Keys Data wizard.
Note: Do not open in Microsoft Excel or any other software the .CSV file that you plan to upload to your vCenter license inventory. Upload only the original .CSV file after you generate it in Customer Connect. If you want to preview the report data in the .CSV file, make a copy of the file and preview the copy instead. For information how to preview CSV files, see Using CSV files.

After you upload the .CSV file to your vSphere environment, the system analyzes the data in the file and compares the data to the current license keys information in your vCenter license inventory. Based on the results of the analysis, the system concludes what actions you must perform in order to update your vCenter license inventory with the current details from your Customer Connect environment.

For information about the types of actions that the system might recommend you to perform based on the .CSV file analysis, seePreview the Results of the Imported CSV File Analysis.


  1. On the Upload Import File page of the Import License Keys Data wizard, click Browse to locate the .CSV file that you want to upload, select the file, and click Open.
  2. Click Next.
    Uploading the file might take a few seconds.