To determine what actions you must perform in order to update your vCenter license inventory with the current details from your Customer Connect environment, review the results from the .CSV file analysis.

After you upload the .CSV file that you generated in Customer Connect to your vSphere environment, the system analyzes the license keys in that .CSV file and compares them to the licenses in your vCenter license inventory. The following events occur as a result of the analysis:
  • If the .CSV report contains licenses, which are missing in the vCenter license inventory, the analysis automatically offers to add the missing licenses to the vCenter license inventory.
  • The system updates the vCenter licenses metadata after you finish the Import License Keys Data wizard, to ensure that your vCenter license inventory contains the most up-to-date metadata from Customer Connect.
  • If the system determines that your vCenter license inventory contains licenses that are invalid or upgraded, or both, the system proposes actions that you can take to update your vCenter license inventory at the last page of the Import License Keys Data wizard.

Based on the conclusions from the analyzed data, the system proposes actions that you must perform in order to update your vCenter license inventory with details from your Customer Connect environment. You can view the conclusions from the analysis on the File analysis page of the Import License Keys Data wizard.

Depending on the results from the .CSV file analysis, the system makes conclusions about the status of the license keys details in your vCenter license inventory and might recommend that you perform some of the following actions, in order to update your vSphere environment with up-to-date license keys details from Customer Connect:
  • Update license keys in your vCenter license inventory with details from your Customer Connect environment, including contracts, orders, and so on. The system performs this operation automatically after you complete the wizard.
  • Add to your vCenter license inventory new license keys from Customer Connect, along with their details. You must perform this operation manually. To select license keys to add to your vCenter license inventory, see Add License Keys to Your vCenter License Inventory
  • View license keys in your vCenter license inventory that have been combined, split, upgraded, or downgraded in Customer Connect. To view the keys that have been combined, split, upgraded, or downgraded, download the generated recommendation report at the end of the Import License Keys Data wizard.
  • Upgrade the keys in your vCenter license inventory that have upgrade keys available in Customer Connect. To view what keys in your vCenter license inventory have upgrade keys available in Customer Connect, download the generated recommendation report at the end of the Import License Keys Data wizard.


  1. Review the results from the .CSV file analysis.
  2. Click Next.