You can use identity sources to attach one or more domains to vCenter Single Sign-On. A domain is a repository for users and groups that the vCenter Single Sign-On server can use for user authentication.

An administrator can add identity sources, set the default identity source, and create users and groups in the vsphere.local identity source.

The user and group data is stored in Active Directory, OpenLDAP, or locally to the operating system of the machine where vCenter Single Sign-On is installed. After installation, every instance of vCenter Single Sign-On has the identity source your_domain_name, for example vsphere.local. This identity source is internal to vCenter Single Sign-On.

vCenter Server versions earlier than version 5.1 supported Active Directory and local operating system users as user repositories. As a result, local operating system users were always able to authenticate to the vCenter Server system. vCenter Server version 5.1 and version 5.5 uses vCenter Single Sign-On for authentication. See the vSphere 5.1 documentation for a list of supported identity sources with vCenter Single Sign-On 5.1. vCenter Single Sign-On 5.5 supports the following types of user repositories as identity sources, but supports only one default identity source.

  • Active Directory versions 2003 and later. Shown as Active Directory (Integrated Windows Authentication) in the vSphere Client. vCenter Single Sign-On allows you to specify a single Active Directory domain as an identity source. The domain can have child domains or be a forest root domain. VMware KB article 2064250 discusses Microsoft Active Directory Trusts supported with vCenter Single Sign-On.
  • Active Directory over LDAP. vCenter Single Sign-On supports multiple Active Directory over LDAP identity sources. This identity source type is included for compatibility with the vCenter Single Sign-On service included with vSphere 5.1. Shown as Active Directory as an LDAP Server in the vSphere Client.
  • OpenLDAP versions 2.4 and later. vCenter Single Sign-On supports multiple OpenLDAP identity sources. Shown as OpenLDAP in the vSphere Client.
  • Local operating system users. Local operating system users are local to the operating system where the vCenter Single Sign-On server is running. The local operating system identity source exists only in basic vCenter Single Sign-On server deployments and is not available in deployments with multiple vCenter Single Sign-On instances. Only one local operating system identity source is allowed. Shown as localos in the vSphere Client.
    Note: Do not use local operating system users if the Platform Services Controller is on a different machine than the vCenter Server system. Using local operating system users might make sense in an embedded deployment but is not recommended.
  • vCenter Single Sign-On system users. Exactly one system identity source is created when you install vCenter Single Sign-On.
Note: At any time, only one default domain exists. If a user from a non-default domain logs in, that user must add the domain name ( DOMAIN\ user) to authenticate successfully.