To minimize the risk of an attack through the management interface, ESXi includes a firewall between the management interface and the network.

To ensure the integrity of the host, only a small number of firewall ports are open by default. The vSphere Security documentation explains how to set up firewalls for your environment and which ports you might have to temporarily enable for certain traffic.

You manage firewalls by setting up firewall rulesets. vSphere Security documentation explains how to perform these tasks with the vSphere Web Client. You can also use esxcli network firewall to manage firewall rulesets and to retrieve information about them. Specify one of the options listed in Connection Options for vCLI Host Management Commands in place of <conn_options>.


  1. Check firewall status and sshServer ruleset status.
    esxcli <conn_options> network firewall get
    Default Action: DROP
    Enabled: true
    Loaded: true
    esxcli <conn_options> network firewall ruleset list --ruleset-id sshServer
    Name       Enabled
    ---------  -------
    sshServer     true
  2. Enable the sshServer ruleset if it is disabled.
    esxcli <conn_options> network firewall ruleset set --ruleset-id sshServer --enabled true
  3. Obtain access to the ESXi Shell and check the status of the allowedAll flag.
    esxcli <conn_options> network firewall ruleset allowedip list --ruleset-id sshServer
    Ruleset    Allowed IP Addresses
    ---------  --------------------
    sshServer  All
    See Getting Started with vSphere Command-Line Interfaces for information on accessing the ESXi Shell.
  4. Set the status of the allowedAll flag to false.
    esxcli <conn_options> network firewall ruleset set --ruleset-id sshServer --allowed-all false
  5. Add the list of allowed IP addresses.
    esxcli <conn_options> network firewall ruleset allowedip add --ruleset-id sshServer --ip-address 192.XXX.1.0/24
    esxcli <conn_options> network firewall ruleset allowedip add --ruleset-id sshServer --ip-address 192.XXX.10.10
  6. Check the allowed IP address list.
    esxcli <conn_options> network firewall ruleset allowedip list --ruleset-id sshServer
    Ruleset    Allowed IP Addresses
    ---------  -----------------------------
    sshServer  192.XXX.10.10, 192.XXX.1.0/24