You can change or add virtual machine configuration parameters when instructed by a VMware technical support representative, or if you see VMware documentation that instructs you to add or change a parameter to fix a problem with your system.

Important: Changing or adding parameters when a system does not have problems might lead to decreased system performance and instability.

The following conditions apply:

  • To change a parameter, you change the existing value for the keyword/value pair. For example, if you start with the keyword/value pair, keyword/value, and change it to keyword/value2, the result is keyword=value2.
  • You cannot delete a configuration parameter entry.
Caution: You must assign a value to configuration parameter keywords. If you do not assign a value, the keyword can return a value of 0 or false, which can result in a virtual machine that cannot power on.


  1. Right-click a virtual machine in the inventory and select Edit Settings.
  2. Click the VM Options tab and expand Advanced.
  3. Click Edit Configuration.
  4. (Optional) To add a parameter, click Add Configuration Parameters and type a name and value for the parameter.
  5. (Optional) To change a parameter, type a new value in the Value text box for that parameter.
  6. Click OK.