You can edit the Advanced virtual machines settings when you need to solve issues caused by an application or when you need log files and debugging information for troubleshooting purposes. You can also add or change configuration parameters and change the latency sensitivity of a virtual machine.
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Deactivating Virtual Machine Acceleration When you install or run software in a virtual machine, the virtual machine appears to stop responding. The problem occurs early when you run an application. You can resolve the issue by temporarily deactivating acceleration in the virtual machine.
Enable Virtual Machine Logging You can enable logging to collect log files to help troubleshoot problems with your virtual machine.
Configure Virtual Machine Debugging and Statistics You can run a virtual machine so that it collects additional debugging information that is helpful to VMware technical support in resolving issues.
Change the Swap File Location When a virtual machine is powered on, the system creates a VMkernel swap file to serve as a backing store for the virtual machine's RAM contents. You can accept the default swap file location or save the file to a different location. By default, the swap file is stored in the same location as the virtual machine's configuration file.
Edit Configuration File Parameters You can change or add virtual machine configuration parameters when instructed by a VMware technical support representative, or if you see VMware documentation that instructs you to add or change a parameter to fix a problem with your system.