You can use the Velero Plugin for vSphere to backup and restore workloads running on vSphere Pods by installing the Velero Plugin for vSphere on the Supervisor Cluster.


The Velero Plugin for vSphere provides a solution for backing up and restoring vSphere with Tanzu workloads. The solution requires the installation and configuration of several components. Once you have the Velero Plugin for vSphere installed and configured on the Supervisor Cluster, you can backup and restore vSphere Pods. For persistent workloads, the Velero Plugin for vSphere lets you take snapshots of the persistent volumes.

Installing Velero Plugin for vSphere on the Supervisor Cluster is also a prerequisite for using the Velero Plugin for vSphere to backup and restore Tanzu Kubernetes cluster workloads.
Note: The Velero Plugin for vSphere cannot be used to backup and restore Supervisor Cluster state. See Considerations for Backing Up and Restoring vSphere with Tanzu.
Note: The Velero Plugin for vSphere by itself does not perform incremental backups. Dell EMC PowerProtect supports incremental backup and leverages Velero and the Velero Plugin for vSphere.


Before installing the Velero Plugin for vSphere, adhere to the following prerequisites:
  • Workload Management is enabled with NSX-T Data Center networking. See Enable Workload Management with NSX Networking
  • Supervisor Cluster is version 1.21.1 or later.
  • vSphere Namespace is created and configured.
  • You must be a member of the vSphere Administrator role, or have following vSphere privileges:
    • SupervisorServices.Manage
    • Namespaces.Manage
    • Namespaces.Configure
The screenshot shows the end state of a Velero Plugin for vSphere installation.
  • NSX-T networking is used to support the deployment of vSphere Pods
  • A Data Manager VM is deployed
  • The Velero Operator is enabled and running in the velero-vsphere-domain-cXX namespace
  • A namespace called velero is configured
  • The Velero Plugin for vSphere is running as a vSphere Pod in the velero namespace

The Velero Plugin in the vSphere Client.


These instruction assume that you are running vSphere 7 U3. If you previously installed the Velero Plugin for vSphere on a vSphere 7 U2 P3 environment, on upgrade the Data Manager VM and Velero vSphere Operator are migrated to the new framework. The Velero vSphere Operator is converted to the new vSphere Services format. No action is required.

Create a Dedicated Network for Backup and Restore Traffic (Optional)

Although not required, it is recommended that for production environments you separate the backup and restore traffic from the vSphere with Tanzu management network traffic. There are two aspects to this:
  • Tag the ESXi hosts to support network file copy (NFC)
  • Configure the backup and restore network using NSX-T Data Center

To configure vSphere 7.x ESXi hosts to support a dedicated network block device (NBD) transport, you add a VMkernel NIC on each ESXi host in the vCenter Server cluster where Workload Management is enabled and set the vSphereBackupNFC on that NIC. When the tag vSphereBackupNFC is applied to the NIC type for a VMkernel adapter, backup and restore traffic goes through the chosen virtual NIC.

To perform this configuration, you use the Virtual Disk Development Kit. See the NBD documentation.
Note: If the vSphereBackupNFC is not enabled on the VMkernel NIC, the backup and restore traffic will be not be sent on the backup and restore network, even if you configure one. If vSphereBackupNFC is not enabled, the traffic will travel on the vSphere management network.
Once the vSphereBackupNFC tag is enabled, configure the backup and restore network using NSX-T by updating the existing vSphere Distributed Switch (vDS) for the cluster as follows:
  • In the vSphere Client, select Menu > Networking.
  • Select the existing vDS for the cluster.
  • Right-click the vDS and select Distributed Port Group > New Distributed Port Group.
  • Create a new Distributed Port Group named BackupRestoreNetwork.
  • Add a VMkernel adapter to the BackupRestoreNetwork Distributed Port Group.
  • Attach all the ESXi hosts in the vCenter cluster where Workload Management is enabled to the BackupRestoreNetwork Distributed Port Group.
  • Enable the vSphereBackupNFC tag.

For guidance on creating an NSX-T network on the existing vDS, see Install and Configure NSX for vSphere with Tanzu.

Create an S3-Compatible Object Store

For backup and restore of persistent volumes, you need to provide an S3-compatible object store. Velero supports a number of object store providers.

To install the Velero Plugin for vSphere, you will need to provide the following information about your S3-compatible object store:

Data Item Example Value
aws_access_key_id ACCESS-KEY-ID-STRING
aws_secret_access_key SECRET-ACCESS-KEY-STRING
Create a secrets file name s3-credentials with the following information. You will reference this file when you install the Velero Plugin for vSphere.
aws_access_key_id = ACCESS-KEY-ID-STRING
aws_secret_access_key = SECRET-ACCESS-KEY-STRING

MinIO is an S3-compatible object store that is easy to install and use. vSphere with Tanzu ships with a MinIO Supervisor Service that you can enable. For more information, see Enable Stateful Services in vSphere with Tanzu.

Alternatively, you can manually install a MinIO server on a Linux VM. For instructions, see Install and Configure Standalone Velero and Restic on a Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster.

Install and Configure Data Manager

To facilitate backup and restore using the Velero Plugin for vSphere, you deploy one or more Data Manager VMs to move persistent volume backup data into and out of S3-compatible object storage. The Data Manager moves the volume snapshot data from the vSphere volume to the remote durable S3-compatible storage on backup, and from remote S3-compatible storage to a vSphere volume during restore.

Warning: The Data Manager is only functionally tested and it is not meant to work at scale and does not promise any performance expectations. It is not meant to backup business critical applications in production
In a vSphere with Tanzu environment, install the Data Manager as a virtual machine.
Note: Do not power on the Data Manager VM until after you have enabled the Velero vSphere Operator.
  1. Download the Data Manager OVA:

  2. Using the vSphere Client, right-click the Datacenter where Workload Management is enabled and select Deploy OVF Template.
  3. Select the Data Manager OVA file that you downloaded and upload it to the vCenter Server.
  4. Name the virtual machine DataManager, for example.
  5. Select the compute resource which is the vCenter cluster where the Supervisor Cluster is configured.
  6. Review the VM deployment details and click Next.
  7. Accept the license agreements and click Next.
  8. Select the storage and click Next.
  9. Select the destination network for the Data Manager VM.
  10. Confirm the selections and click Finish to complete the process.
  11. Use the Recent Tasks panel to monitor the progress of the deployment.
    Note: If you receive an error that the "OVF descriptor is not available," use Chrome browser.
  12. Once the Data Manager VM is deployed, configure the input parameters for the VM.
  13. Right-click the VM and select Edit Settings.
  14. In the Virtual Hardware tab, for CD/DVD Drive, change from Host Device to Client Device.
    Note: If you do not do this, you cannot save the required advanced configuration settings.
  15. In the Edit Settings > VM Options tab, select Advanced > Edit Configuration Parameters.
  16. Configure the input parameters for each of the following settings:
    Parameter Value
    guestinfo.cnsdp.vcUser Oner the vCenter Server user name with sufficient privileges to deploy VMs.
    guestinfo.cnsdp.vcAddress Enter the vCenter Server IP address or FQDN.
    guestinfo.cnsdp.vcPasswd Enter the vCenter Server user password.
    guestinfo.cnsdp.vcPort The default is 443. Do not change this value.
    guestinfo.cnsdp.wcpControlPlaneIP Enter the Supervisor Cluster IP address.

    Get this value by navigating to the vCenter cluster where Workload Management is enabled and selecting Configure > Namespaces > Network > Management Network > Starting IP Address

    guestinfo.cnsdp.updateKubectl The default is false. Do not change this value.
    guestinfo.cnsdp.veleroNamespace The default is velero and you should leave it as such unless you have a compelling reason to change it. Later in the process you will create a vSphere Namespace on the Supervisor Cluster with the name velero. These names must match.
    guestinfo.cnsdp.datamgrImage If not configured (unset), the system by default will pull the container image from Docker Hub at vsphereveleroplugin/data-manager-for-plugin:1.1.0
  17. Click OK to save the configuration and OK again to save the VM settings.
    Note: If you did not change the CD/DVD Drive from Host Device to Client Device, you cannot save the settings. If this is the case, cancel the operation, change the drive and repeat the advanced configuration settings.
  18. Do not power on the Data Manager VM until after you enable the Velero vSphere Operator (next section).

Install the Velero vSphere Operator Service on the Supervisor Cluster

vSphere with Tanzu provides the Velero vSphere Operator as a Supervisor Service. The Velero vSphere Operator service works with the Velero Plugin for vSphere to support backup and restore of Kubernetes workloads, including snapshotting persistent volumes. For more information about Supervisor Services, see Managing Supervisor Services with vSphere with Tanzu.

Complete the following operation to register the Velero vSphere Operator specification with the vCenter Server where Workload Management is enabled, and to install the Velero vSphere Operator as a service on the Supervisor Cluster.
Note: The Velero vSphere Operator runs as a vSphere Pod and therefore requires NSX-T networking.
  1. Refer to the Compatability Chart to determine which version of the Velero vSphere Operator is appropriate for the version of vCenter Server.
  2. Download the YAML for the Velero vSphere Operator from the following location:

  3. From the vSphere Client home menu, select Workload Management.
  4. Select the Services tab.
  5. Select the target vCenter Server from the drop-down menu at the top.
  6. Drag and drop the service specification file that you downloaded to the Add New Service card.

    Alternatively you can click Add and browse to and select the service specification file.

  7. Click Next and accept the licence agreement.
  8. Click Finish.

    The Velero vSphere Operator is registered with vCenter Server. Verify that the service is in an Active state. You cannot install the service if it is Deactivated.

  9. Locate the Velero vSphere Operator specification in the Services tab.
  10. Click Actions > Install on Supervisors.The Actions menu options on the Services tab.
  11. Select the target Supervisor Cluster where you want to install the service.
    Note: If you do not see your Supervisor Cluster, verify that you are using NSX-T networking.
  12. Configure the Velero vSphere Operator service installation as follows:
    1. Select the version from the drop-down: 1.1.0.
    2. Do not specify a Repository endpoint.
    3. Do not enter a username or password.
    4. Click Next.
  13. Click Finish to complete the installation of the service.

Verify the Velero vSphere Operator service on the Supervisor Cluster and start the Data Manager VM.

  1. From the vSphere Client home menu, select Inventory.
  2. Select the vCenter cluster where Workload Management is enabled.
  3. Select Configure > vSphere Services > Overview.
  4. Verify that you see the Velero vSphere Operator installed and its status is Configured.
  5. In the Namespaces resource pool, verify that you see a new namespace named svc-velero-vsphere-domain-xxx, where xxx is a unique alphanumeric token. This is the namespace created by the system for the Velero vSphere Operator.
    Note: You do not need to configure this namespace and you should not edit it.
  6. In the Hosts and Clusters view, select the Data Manager VM.
  7. Right-click the Data Manager VM and power it on.

Create a vSphere Namespace for the Velero Plugin for vSphere

Using the vSphere Client, manually create a vSphere Namespace on the Supervisor Cluster. This namespace is required for the Velero Plugin for vSphere. For guidance, see Create and Configure a vSphere Namespace.
  • Name the namespace velero.
  • Select the velero namespace and configure it.
  • Specify the Storage for the velero namespace.
  • Grant a user with appropriate privileges the Edit permission on the velero namespace.

Install the Velero Plugin for vSphere

Now you are ready to install the Velero Plugin for vSphere. To do this, download and run the velero-vsphere CLI.
Note: This procedure requires a Linux VM. Download and run the velero-vsphere to the Linux jump host where you run the kubectl-vsphere and kubectl CLIs.
  1. Refer to the Compatability Chart to determine which version of the Velero Plugin for vSphere is appropriate your environment.
  2. Download the Velero Plugin for vSphere CLI from the following location:

  3. Create a Linux VM where you can run the CLI. Or use an existing Linux jump host where you access the Supervisor Cluster.
  4. Securely copy the CLI to the Linux jump host. For example:
    pscp -P 22 C:\temp\velero-vsphere-x.y.z-linux-amd64.tar.gz [email protected]:/home/ubuntu/tanzu
  5. Extract the velero-vsphere CLI and make it writable.
    tar -xf velero-vsphere-x.y.z-linux-amd64.tar.gz
    chmod +x velero-vsphere
  6. Create the s3-credentials file with the following contents.
    aws_access_key_id = ACCESS-KEY-ID-STRING
    aws_secret_access_key = SECRET-ACCESS-KEY-STRING
  7. Obtain the region, URL, and bucket name for your S3-compatible object store.
  8. Log in to the Supervisor Cluster using the vSphere Plugin for kubectl.
  9. Switch context to the Supervisor Cluster.
    kubectl config use-context SUPERVISOR-CLUSTER-IP-ADDRESS
  10. In the velero namespace that you created, install a config map file that specifies SUPERVISOR as the flavor of the cluster where the Velero Plugin for vSphere will be installed.
    % cat <<EOF | kubectl -n velero apply -f -
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: velero-vsphere-plugin-config
      cluster_flavor: SUPERVISOR
  11. Run the following velero-vsphere CLI command to install the Velero Plugin for vSphere into the velero namespace.

    Replace the placeholder values for the BUCKET-NAME, REGION (two instances), and s3Url fields with the appropriate values. If you deviated from any of the preceding instructions, adjust those values as well, such as the name or location of the secrets file, the name of the manually created velero namespace, and so on.

    ./velero-vsphere install \
        --namespace velero \
        --image velero/velero:vX.Y.Z \
        --provider aws \
        --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:vX.Y.Z,vsphereveleroplugin/velero-plugin-for-vsphere:X.Y.Z \
        --bucket BUCKET-NAME \
        --secret-file s3-credentials \
        --snapshot-location-config region=REGION \
        --backup-location-config region=REGION,s3ForcePathStyle="true",s3Url=
    Note: Refer to the Compatability Chart to determine which version of the Velero Plugin for vSphere is appropriate your environment.
  12. Verify successful installation of the Velero Plugin for vSphere.
    On successful installation, you see the following message:
    Send the request to the operator about installing Velero in namespace velero
    Run the following command to further verify that you see "Completed" and the version.
    kubectl -n velero get veleroservice default -o json | jq '.status'
    Expected result:
      "enabled": true,
      "installphase": "Completed",
      "version": "vX.Y.Z"
    Note: The above command assumes you have the jq utility installed, which formats JSON output sent to the terminal. If you do not have jq installed, either install it or remove that part of the command (everything after json).
  13. Troubleshoot as necessary.

    If the installation is not successful, remove the installation and try again. To remove the installation, complete the steps in the next section in the order listed.

Install the Velero Plug-in in an Air-gapped Environment

If you plan to install the Velero Plugin for vSphere in an air-gapped environment, you must install it with customized images. You must make sure that the matching images of backup-driver and data-manager-for-plugin of the customized images are available in the expected private registry and are accessible from the Kubernetes cluster.

In an air-gapped environment, customized images from private registry are expected since the released images in docker hub are not accessible. You can use the embedded Harbor Registry to serve as the private container registry for the customized images. For more information, see Use the Embedded Harbor Registry with Tanzu Kubernetes Clusters.

To install the plug-in, perform the following steps:
  1. Download the released images of velero-plugin-for-vsphere, backup-driver, and data-manager-for-plugin.
  2. Rename the images, that is, tag them with matching <Registry endpoint and path> and <Version tag> and upload them in customized repositories.
  3. You can deploy the Velero Plugin for vSphere with images in the following scenarios:
    1. When images are from the same private registry. To deploy the Velero Plugin for vSphere with images from a private registry, verify that you have provided the credentials of the registry while enabling the Velero vSphere Operator. You must also specify the --use-private-registry option in the install command. Install the plug-in using the velero-plugin-for-vsphere image you customized.
      For example, you can use the following velero-vsphere install command:
      # install velero in air-gapped environment
      velero-vsphere install \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE \
          --image $VELERO_IMAGE \
          --provider aws \
          --bucket $BUCKET \
          --secret-file ~/.minio/credentials \
          --snapshot-location-config region=$REGION \
          --backup-location-config region=$REGION,s3ForcePathStyle="true",s3Url=$S3URL \
          --use-private-registry                          # <====== Key Option to deploy Velero with images from private registry
      Note: Deploying the plug-in from a different private registry or not using the --use-private-registry in the install command results in a ImagePullBackOff error.
    2. When images are in any public registry. You can deploy the Velero Plugin for vSphere instance with images from any other public registry, even if the Velero vSphere Operator is deployed with images from a private registry. Install the plug-in using the velero-plugin-for-vsphere image you customized.
      For example, you can use the following velero-vsphere install command:
      # install velero in air-gapped environment
      velero-vsphere install \
          --namespace $NAMESPACE \
          --image $VELERO_IMAGE \
          --provider aws \
          --bucket $BUCKET \
          --secret-file ~/.minio/credentials \
          --snapshot-location-config region=$REGION \
          --backup-location-config region=$REGION,s3ForcePathStyle="true",s3Url=$S3URL
  4. When you install Velero Plugin for vSphere in a vanilla cluster, it deploys two additional components, that is, a backup-driver deployment and a data-manager-for-plugin DaemonSet in the background. In the Supervisor Cluster and Tanzu Kubernetes clusters, only a backup-driver deployment is deployed.

    When you provide the container image of velero-plugin-for-vsphere, the matching backup-driver and data-manager-for-plugin images are parsed using an image parsing mechanism.

    Container images are formalized into the following pattern:
    <Registry endpoint and path>/<Container name>:<Version tag>

    When you provide the velero-plugin-for-vsphere container image, the corresponding images of backup-driver and data-manager-for-plugin with matching <Registry endpoint and path> and <Version tag> are parsed.

    For example, consider the following velero-plugin-for-vsphere container image:
    The following matching images of backup-driver and data-manager-for-plugin are expected to be pulled:
  5. Troubleshoot the installation.
    If there are any issues or errors in parsing the matching images of backup-driver and data-manager-for-plugin, the installation falls back to corresponding images from the official velerovsphereplugin repositories in Docker hub. The following issues trigger the fall-back mechanism:
    1. An unexpected container name is used in the customized velero-plugin-for-vsphere image in the user input.

      For example, x/y/velero-velero-plugin-for-vsphere:vX.Y.Z is used.

    2. The Velero deployment name is customized to anything other than velero. For example, an issue is triggered if the Velero deployment name is updated to velero-server in the Velero manifests file before deploying Velero.

      The existing image parsing mechanism in velero-plugin-for-vsphere can only recognize the Velero deployment with the fixed name, velero.

Uninstall the Velero Plugin for vSphere

Complete these steps to uninstall the Velero Plugin for vSphere. Complete these steps in the order listed.
  1. Run the velero-vsphere CLI to uninstall the Velero Plugin for vSphere.
    ./velero-vsphere uninstall -n velero
  2. Verify that the vSphere Pod named velero is removed.
    kubectl get pods -n velero

    If you see that the pod is "Terminating," wait for it to be removed before proceeding.

  3. Using the vSphere Client, delete the vSphere Namespace named velero that you manually created.
    Note: Do not proceed with the next step until the namespace deletion is complete. You can use kubectl to verify that the velero namespace is removed (but do not use kubectl to remove the velero namespace).
  4. Using the vSphere Client, uninstall the Velero vSphere Operator from the Supervisor Cluster.
    1. Select the vCenter cluster where Workload Management is enabled.
    2. Select Configure > vSphere Services > Overview.
    3. Select the Velero vSphere Operator.
    4. Click Uninstall.

      This action uninstalls the Velero vSphere Operator from the Supervisor Cluster. The operator remains available for re-installation at the Workload Management > Services page. To remove the service entirely, select Actions > Delete.