After introductory chapters, this book presents code examples that show how to use the VMware vSphere® Management SDK and the vSphere Automation™ SDK. Code examples demonstrate connection and authentication, invocation of methods, and simple manipulation of remote objects (tags) stored on the server.

VMware provides APIs for managing different aspects of VMware vCenter Server® and the data center. This publication describes APIs in vSphere release 8.0 and later.

This book combines An Introduction to vSphere APIs and SDKs and Getting Started with vSphere APIs and SDKs. The former gave a high-level comparison of facilities for managing vSphere, the latter presented code samples in various programming languages.

The following table provides the update history of this book.



4 April 2024 Combined Introduction and Getting Started manuals.
26 March 2024 New section about unified session for vSphere 8.0 Update 3 release.
24 October 2023 Add a PowerCLI chapter: PowerCLI Access to vSphere APIs
05 October 2023 Add Cygwin instructions to REST Access to vSphere APIs.

21 September 2023

New publication with vSphere 8.0 Update 2 release.

Intended Audience

This information is intended for anyone who wants to automate workflows using various vSphere APIs.