You can clone an existing image profile or create a new image profile, for which you must define dependencies and acceptance levels.
The system expects that the acceptance level of the VIBs you add to the base image is at least as high as the level of the base image. If you have to add a VIB with a lower acceptance level to the image profile, you must lower the image profile acceptance level. For more information, see Set the Image Profile Acceptance Level.
As an alternative to specifying the parameters on the command line, you can use the PowerShell prompting mechanism to specify string parameters. Prompting does not work for other parameters such as objects.
- PowerCLI and prerequisite software is installed. See Configure vSphere ESXi Image Builder.
- You have access to a depot that includes a base image and one or more VIBs. VMware and VMware partners have public depots, accessible by a URL. VMware or VMware partners can create a ZIP file that you can unzip to your local environment and access by using a file path.
Example: Creating Image Profiles from Scratch Using Variables
This command sequence repeats the steps of the workflow, but passes parameters as objects, accessed by position in a variable, instead of passing parameters by name. You can run the following commands in sequence at thePowerCLI prompt.
Add-EsxSoftwareDepot depoturl $pkgs = Get-EsxSoftwarePackage -CreatedAfter 7/1/2010 $ip2 = New-EsxImageProfile -NewProfile -Name "Test #2" -vendor "Vendor42" -SoftwarePackage $pkgs[0] $ip2.VibList | format-list