If you log in to the appliance shell as a super administrator, you can manage the local user accounts in vCenter Server by running commands in the appliance shell. The default user with a super administrator role is root.

User Roles in vCenter Server

There are three main user roles in vCenter Server.

The local users of vCenter Server have the rights to perform various tasks. Three user roles are available in vCenter Server:

Local users with the operator user role can read vCenter Server configuration.
Local users with the administrator user role can configure vCenter Server.
Super Administrator
Local users with the super administrator user role can configure vCenter Server, manage the local accounts, and use the Bash shell.

Get a List of the Local User Accounts in vCenter Server

You can see the list of the local user accounts so that you can decide which user account to manage from the appliance shell.


  1. Access the appliance shell and log in as a user who has a super administrator role.
    The default user with a super administrator role is root.
  2. Run the localaccounts.user.list command.
    You can see a list of the local users. The information about a user includes the user name, status, role, status of the password, full name, and email.
    Note: The list of local users includes only the local users who have their default shell as appliance shell.

Create a Local User Account in vCenter Server

You can create a new local user account.

For information about the user roles, see User Roles in vCenter Server.


  1. Access the appliance shell and log in as a user who has a super administrator role.
    The default user with a super administrator role is root.
  2. Run the localaccounts.user.add --role --username --password command.
    For example, to add the local user account test with the operator user role, run the following command:
    localaccounts.user.add --role operator --username test --password
    The role can be operator, admin, or superAdmin.
    You can also set up a new local user account and specify an email and the full name of the user. For example, to add the local user account test1 with the operator user role, full name TestName and the email address [email protected], run the following command:
    localaccounts.user.add --role operator --username test1 --password --fullname TestName --email [email protected]
    You cannot use spaces in full names.
  3. Enter and confirm the password of the new local user when prompted.


You created a new local user in the appliance.

Update Password of a Local User in vCenter Server

You can update the password of a local user in vCenter Server for security reasons.


  1. Access the appliance shell and log in as a user who has a super administrator role.
    The default user with a super administrator role is root.
  2. Run the localaccounts.user.password.update --username user name --password command.
    For example, to change the password of a user with user name test, run the following command:
    localaccounts.user.password.update --username test --password
  3. Enter and confirm the new password when prompted.

Update a Local User Account in vCenter Server

You can update an existing local user account in vCenter Server.

For information about the user roles, see User Roles in vCenter Server.


  1. Access the appliance shell and log in as a user who has a super administrator role.
    The default user with a super administrator role is root.
  2. Run the localaccounts.user.set --username command to update an existing local user.
    • To update the role of the local user, run the following command:
      localaccounts.user.set --username user name --role new role
      Here, user name is the name of the user that you want to edit and new role is the new role. The role can be operator, admin, or superAdmin.
    • To update the email of the local user, run the following command:
      localaccounts.user.set --username user name --email new email address
      Here, user name is the name of the user that you want to edit and new email address is the new email address.
    • To update the full name of the local user, run the following command:
      localaccounts.user.set --username user name --fullname new full name
      Here, user name is the name of the user that you want to edit and new full name is the new full name of the user.
    • To update the status of the local user, run the following command:
      localaccounts.user.set --username user name --status new status
      Here, user name is the name of the user that you want to edit and status is the new status of the local user. The status can be either disabled or enabled.

Delete a Local User Account in vCenter Server

You can delete a local user account in vCenter Server.


  1. Access the appliance shell and log in as a user who has a super administrator role.
    The default user with a super administrator role is root.
  2. Run the localaccounts.user.delete --username command.
    For example, to delete the user with user name test, run the following command:
    localaccounts.user.delete --username test
    The user is deleted.