This topic provides reference information for the Fluent Bit package.

About Fluent Bit

Fluent Bit ( is a fast, lightweight log processor and forwarder that lets you collect application data and logs from different sources, unify them, and send them to multiple destinations.

You can use Fluent Bit as a log forwarder for logs from a TKG cluster. You need a logging management server deployed for storing and analyzing logs. Supported logging servers include Syslog, HTTP, Elastic Search, Kafka, and Splunk.

To install the Fluent Bit package on a TKG cluster, refer to the following topics:

Fluent Bit Components

The Fluent Bit package installs on the cluster the container listed in the table. The package pulls the container from the public registry specified in package repository.
Container Resource Type Replicas Description
Fluent Bit DaemonSet 6 Log collector, aggregator, forwarder

Fluent Bit Data Values

The following fluent-bit-data-values.yaml example can be used for Syslog servers.
namespace: fluentbit-logging
  instance_name: "<TKG_INSTANCE_NAME>"
  cluster_name: "<CLUSTER_NAME>"
  output_plugin: "syslog"
    host: "<SYSLOG_HOST>"
    port: "<SYSLOG_PORT>"
    mode: "<SYSLOG_MODE>"
    format: "<SYSLOG_FORMAT>"

The following fluent-bit-data-values.yaml example can be used for HTTP endpoints.

namespace: fluentbit-logging
  instance_name: "<TKG_INSTANCE_NAME>"
  cluster_name: "<CLUSTER_NAME>"
  output_plugin: "http"
    host: "<HTTP_HOST>"
    port: "<HTTP_PORT>"
    uri: "<URI>"
    header_key_value: "<HEADER_KEY_VALUE>"
    format: "json"
The following fluent-bit-data-values.yaml example can be used for Elastic Search.
namespace: fluentbit-logging
  instance_name: "<TKG_INSTANCE_NAME>"
  cluster_name: "<CLUSTER_NAME>"
  output_plugin: "elasticsearch"
The following fluent-bit-data-values.yaml example can be used for Kafka.
namespace: fluentbit-logging
  instance_name: "<TKG_INSTANCE_NAME>"
  cluster_name: "<CLUSTER_NAME>"
  output_plugin: "kafka"
    broker_service_name: "<BROKER_SERVICE_NAME>"
    topic_name: "<TOPIC_NAME>"
The following fluent-bit-data-values.yaml example can be used for Splunk.
namespace: fluentbit-logging
  instance_name: "<TKG_INSTANCE_NAME>"
  cluster_name: "<CLUSTER_NAME>"
  output_plugin: "splunk"
    host: "<SPLUNK_HOST>"
    port: "<SPLUNK_PORT>"
    token: "<SPLUNK_TOKEN>"

Fluent Bit Configuration

The configuration values for are set in fluent-bit-data-values.yaml. The table lists and describes the available parameters.
Table 1. Fluent Bit Package Configurations
Parameter Description Type Default
logging.namespace Namespace where Fluent Bit will be deployed string tanzu-system-logging
logging.service_account_name Name of Fluent Bit service account string fluent-bit
logging.cluster_role_name Name of cluster role which grants get, watch and list permissions to fluent bit string fluent-bit-read Name of Fluent Bit image string fluent-bit
logging.image.tag Fluent Bit image tag. This value may need to be updated if you are upgrading the version. string v1.6.9_vmware.1
logging.image.repository Location of the repository with the Fluent Bit image. The default is the public VMware registry. Change this value if you are using a private repository (e.g., air-gapped environment). string
logging.image.pullPolicy Fluent bit image pull policy string IfNotPresent
logging.update_strategy Update strategy to be used when updating DaemonSet string RollingUpdate
tkg.cluster_name Name of the Tanzu Kubernetes cluster string Null (Mandatory parameter)
tkg.instance_name User-defined name of the TKG instance, shared by the Supervisor Cluster and all Tanzu Kubernetes clusters in one deployment. You can use any name related to the installation. string Null (Mandatory parameter)
Note: This field is mandatory but arbitrary. It is a name that appears in the logs.
fluent_bit.log_level Log level to use for Fluent Bit string info
fluent_bit.output_plugin Set the backend to which Fluent Bit should flush the information it gathers string Null (Mandatory parameter) IP address or hostname of the target Elasticsearch instance string Null (Mandatory parameter when output_plugin is elastic search)
fluent_bit.elasticsearch.port TCP port of the target Elasticsearch instance integer Null (Mandatory parameter when output_plugin is elastic search)
fluent_bit.elasticsearch.buffer_size Specify the buffer size used to read the response from Elasticsearch service. Sets to unlimited if False string False
fluent_bit.elasticsearch.tls Specify the default setting for TLS for Elasticsearch string Off
fluent_bit.kafka.broker_service_name Single of multiple list of Kafka Brokers, e.g., string Null (Mandatory parameter when output_plugin is kafka)
fluent_bit.kafka.topic_name Single entry or list of topics separated by (,) that Fluent Bit will use to send messages to Kafka string Null (Mandatory parameter when output_plugin is kafka) IP address or hostname of the target Splunk Server string Null (Mandatory parameter when output_plugin is splunk)
fluent_bit.splunk.port TCP port of the target Splunk Server integer Null (Mandatory parameter when output_plugin is splunk)
fluent_bit.splunk.token Specify the Authentication Token for the HTTP Event Collector interface string Null (Mandatory parameter when output_plugin is splunk) IP address or hostname of the target HTTP Server string Null (Mandatory parameter when output_plugin is http)
fluent_bit.http.port TCP port of the target HTTP Server integer Null (Mandatory parameter when output_plugin is http)
fluent_bit.http.mode Specify an HTTP URI for the target web server string Null (Mandatory parameter when output_plugin is http)
fluent_bit.http.header_key_value HTTP header key/value pair. Multiple headers can be set string Null (Mandatory parameter when output_plugin is http)
fluent_bit.http.format Specify the data format to be used in the HTTP request body string Null (Mandatory parameter when output_plugin is http) Domain or IP address of the remote Syslog server string Null (Mandatory parameter when output_plugin is syslog)
fluent_bit.syslog.port TCP or UDP port of the remote Syslog server integer Null (Mandatory parameter when output_plugin is syslog)
fluent_bit.syslog.mode Specify the transport type from TCP, UDP and TLS string Null (Mandatory parameter when output_plugin is syslog)
fluent_bit.syslog.format Specify the data format to be used in the HTTP request body string Null ( Mandatory parameter when output_plugin is syslog)
host_path.volume_1 Directory path from the host node's file system into the pod, for volume 1 string /var/log
host_path.volume_2 Directory path from the host node's file system into the pod, for volume 2 string /var/lib/docker/containers
host_path.volume_3 Directory path from the host node's file system into the pod, for volume 3 string /run/log
systemd.path Path to the Systemd journal directory string /var/log/journal