Follow these instructions to install Fluent Bit on a TKG Service cluster that is running TKr for vSphere 8.x.


Adhere to the following prerequisites.

Create Fluent Bit Data Values

Prepare to install Fluent Bit by creating the data values file.

  1. List the available Contour package versions.
    tanzu package available get -n tkg-system

    Or, using kubectl:

    kubectl -n tkg-system get packages | grep fluent-bit
    Note: Typically you should use the latest version unless your requirements differ.
  2. Generate the fluent-bit-data-values.yaml file.
    tanzu package available get --default-values-file-output fluent-bit-data-values.yaml
  3. Edit the fluent-bit-data-values.yaml file and configure the values.

    See Fluent Bit Package Reference for examples and list of all available parameters.

Install Fluent Bit

Complete these steps to install the Fluent Bit package.
  1. Create the namespace for Fluent Bit.
    kubectl create ns tanzu-system-logging
  2. Install Fluent Bit.
    tanzu package install fluent-bit -p -v 2.1.6+vmware.1-tkg.2 --values-file fluent-bit-data-values.yaml -n tanzu-system-logging
  3. Verify Fluent Bit installation.
    tanzu package installed list -n tanzu-system-logging
    tanzu package installed get fluent-bit -n tanzu-system-logging
  4. Verify Fluent Bit objects.
    kubectl -n tanzu-system-logging get all