To register Tanzu Mission Control Self-Managed with Supervisor, create and apply a custom resource definition for the TMC Agent.

About Tanzu Mission Control Self-Managed

For more information about Tanzu Mission Control Self-Managed, including how to install and configure, refer to the documentation Installing and Running VMware Tanzu Mission Control Self-Managed.

Register Tanzu Mission Control Self-Managed with Supervisor

To integrate Tanzu Mission Control Self-Managed with Supervisor, create a custom resource definition with that references the TMC Agent. Supervisor includes a Kubernetes namespace for TMC where the agent is installed.

Complete the following procedure.
  1. Install Tanzu Mission Control Self-Managed as described in the documentation. See Installing and Running VMware Tanzu Mission Control Self-Managed.
  2. Using a web browser, access the Tanzu Mission Control Self-Managed local deployment.
  3. Export the root CA certificate for the Tanzu Mission Control Self-Managed installation.
    • If you are using a well-known CA, click the lock icon to the left of the address bar in the browser and view the certificate. If you are using a private CA, click the not secure button and view the certificate.
    • On the certificate dialog pop-up, select the Details tab and then the Export button to download a copy of the CA cert.
    • Open the ca cert file with the text editor of your choice to access the CA cert content
  4. Using the vSphere Plugin for kubectl, authenticate with Supervisor.
    kubectl vsphere login --server=IP-ADDRESS --vsphere-username USERNAME
  5. Run the following commend to list the available Kubectl contexts.
    kubectl config get-contexts
  6. Switch context to the target vSphere Namespace where the TKG cluster running Tanzu Mission Control Self-Managed is provisioned.
    kubectl config use-context VSPHERE-NAMESPACE
  7. Run the following command to list the Kubernetes namespaces.
    kubectl get ns
  8. The Kubernetes namespace on Supervisor for TMC is named svc-tmc-cXXXX (where XXXX is a number). For example, svc-tmc-c1208. Verify that this Kubernetes namespace exists and is active.
  9. Use a text editor to create the custom resource definition named agentconfig.yaml. This file includes the TMC namespace, the hostname of your TMC Self-Managed deployment, and the CA cert contents.
    • Enter the name of the Kubernetes Namespace for TMC in the namespace field.
    • Enter the CA certificates in the caCerts fields.
    • Enter the TMC host name in the allowedHostNames field.
    apiVersion: ""
    kind: "AgentConfig"
      name: "tmc-agent-config"
      namespace: "<namespace>"
      caCerts: |-
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
        - ""
  10. Apply the AgentConfig yaml file that you created.
    kubectl apply -f agentconfig.yaml
  11. Complete the registration process using the web interface for your Tanzu Mission Control Self-Managed installation. Refer to the Tanzu Mission Control documentation for instructions.