Update a TKG cluster by upgrading the Tanzu Kubernetes release version using the Tanzu CLI.

You can a initiate a rolling update of a TKGS cluster by upgrading the Tanzu Kubernetes release version using the Tanzu CLI.

Refer to the Tanzu CLI Reference Guide for complete usage details.


Install the Tanzu CLI for Use with TKG Service Clusters.


  1. Authenticate with the Supervisor.
  2. List the TKG cluster.
    tanzu cluster list
  3. Update the TKG cluster.
    tanzu cluster upgrade CLUSTER-NAME --tkr TKR-NAME -n VSPHERE-NAMESPACE
    • CLUSTER-NAME is the name of the TKG cluster you are targeting for upgrade
    • TKR-NAME is the TKR version string
    • VSPHERE-NAMESPACE is the name of the vSphere Namespace where the TKG cluster is provisioned
    For example:
    tanzu cluster upgrade tkg-cluster-1 --tkr v1.23.8---vmware.2-tkg.2-zshippable -n tkg2-cluster-ns
  4. Confirm cluster upgrade.
    Once the cluster is upgraded, you should see a message similar to the following:
    Cluster 'tkg-cluster-1' successfully upgraded to kubernetes version 'v1.23.8+vmware.2-tkg.2-zshippable'