The vSphere IaaS control plane supports standard packages for installation on TKG Service clusters.

Supported Packages for TKG Service Clusters

The table lists the standard packages available for installation on TKG Service clusters provisioned with TKrs for vSphere 8.x. Complete any necessary prerequisites before installing the target package.
Package Description Instructions
Cert Manager

Certificate management

Install Cert Manager
Contour with Envoy

Kubernetes ingress controller and reverse proxy

Install Contour with Envoy

DNS lookup of Kubernetes services

Install ExternalDNS
Fluent Bit

Log forwarding

Install ExternalDNS
Prometheus with Alertmanager

Monitoring and alerting

Install Prometheus with Alertmanager


Install Grafana

Container registry

Install Harbor Registry

External CSI Snapshot Validation Webhook

vSphere PV CSI Webhook

Persistent storage snapshotting

Creating Snapshots in a TKG Service Cluster
Cluster Autoscaler

Cluster autoscaling

Autoscaling TKG Service Clusters