After a warm migration and before powering off the virtual machine on-premise, you can test the consistency of the target virtual machine in the cloud site by performing a test cutover.


Verify that the VM, for which you are about to perform a Test Cutover operation, is in a cutover-ready state.


  1. In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to Home > Inventories > vCloud Director Extender.
  2. In the Migrations tab, click Test Cutover.
  3. Select a target vCD org, a target vDC, and target Network.
  4. Select if you want to power on the target VMs after the Test Cutover job finishes.
  5. (Optional) Enter a tag for the Test Cutover job that you are initiating.
  6. Select VM or VMs, for which you want to test cutover and click Start.
  7. Confirm that you want to perform a test cutover to this virtual machine by clicking OK.


A record for the Test Cutover job appears in the Migrations tab queue. The status of the job is Test cutover-ready. After the Test Cutover job finishes, the status changes to Test-ready.

What to do next

Initiate a manual cutover. For more information, see Initiate a Cutover.