It is required to configure service pools for vRealize Automation, and for an external vRealize Orchestrator (optional).


  1. Log in to the F5 load balancer and navigate to Local Traffic > Pools.
  2. Click Create and configure the pool as outlined in this table. Use the default value if nothing is specified.
    Table 1. Configure Server Pools
    Name Health Monitors Load Balancing Method Node Name Address Service Port
    vRealize Automation vRealize Automation Least Connections (member) VA1



    IP Address 443
    vRealize Orchestrator
    Note: Use only for external vRealize Orchestrator instances.
    vRealize Orchestrator Least Connections (member) VA1



    IP Address 443
  3. Enter each pool member as a New Node and add it to the New Members group.


The configuration should look similar to this screen.