As a Service Broker consumer, you deploy a catalog item that was imported from Cloud Assembly, Amazon CloudFormation, and other sources so that you can deploy it as part of your work processes.

The catalog items are provided to you by your cloud administrator. The items that are available depend on your project membership. If you are member of one project, you can see only the catalog items for that project. If you are member of several projects, you can see the catalog items those projects.

Projects also determine your options at deployment time.

The information provided in this article is general because each catalog item is unique. The variation depends on how the template and other items were constructed, including what variables are made available to you at request time.


  1. Click Catalog.
    The available catalog items are available to you based on your project membership.
  2. Locate the catalog item you plan to deploy.
    You can use the filter, search, or sorting options to find the catalog item.
  3. Click Request.
  4. Provide any required information.

    If the template has more than one released version, select the version that you want to deploy.

    A deployment name is required, as is a project. The project list includes those that you are a member of.

    The form might have other options that you must configure, depending on how the template was designed.

  5. Click Submit.
    The provisioning process begins and the Deployments page opens with your current request at the top.

What to do next

Monitor your request. See How do I monitor Service Broker deployments.