The vSAN Configuration dashboard provides overall configuration details and is useful in large clusters with many vSANs, where you have to follow a certain standard configuration.

Design Considerations

See Configuration Dashboards for common design considerations among all the dashboards for configuration management.

How to Use the Dashboard

The vSAN Configuration dashboard is organized into three sections for ease of use.
  • The first section displays six pie-charts.
    • There are five bar-charts that focus on critical security settings.
    • The last bar-chart shows the version of the vSphere Distribution Switch. Aim to keep the version current, or match your vSphere version.
  • The second section displays three bar-charts.
    • The three bar-charts together provide a good overview of the vSAN key capacity configuration. By analyzing the distribution, you can identify if you have capacity configuration that is outside your expectation.
  • The last section of the dashboard displays all the vSAN clusters with their key configuration.
    • Some of the columns are color-coded to facilitate quick reviews. Adjust their threshold to either reflect your current situation or your desired ideal state.
    • You can sort the columns and export the result into a spreadsheet for further analysis.

Points to Note

  • The number of buckets in the pie-chart or bar-chart are balanced between the available screen estate, ease of use, and functionality. Modify the buckets to either reflect your current situation or your desired ideal state.
  • To view the content of a slice in a pie-chart or a bucket in a bar-chart, click on it. The list cannot be exported. Clicking an object name, takes you to the object summary page. The page provides key configuration information, with other summary information.