After you install an agent on an end point VM, you can monitor existing or custom Windows services that run on the end point VM.

How to Monitor Windows Services

  • From the Manage Telegraf Agents tab, filter by Agent Status > Agent Running.
  • Expand the drop-down arrow against the relevant Windows end point VM on which the agent is installed. You see the Custom Monitoring section.
  • Against the Services option, click the vertical ellipsis and then click Add.
  • From the Manage Service Activation dialog box, you can add and configure the Windows services to be monitored.
    Table 1. Instance Settings and Other Options
    Option Descriptions
    Status Enable the monitoring of the Windows service.
    Display Name Add a suitable name for the Windows service.

    For new plugin activations, the end point VM name in the format <on VM name>, is automatically appended to the display name. For example, if the display name you enter is <system>, the end point VM name is automatically appended and the name is displayed as <system on VM name>.

    If the display name was <system on abcd>, after an upgrade, <abcd> is replaced with the end point VM name.

    If the display name did not end with <on text1>, after an upgrade, <on VM name> is automatically appended to the existing display name.

    The following are invalid characters and must not be used in the name: <, ", >, and |.
    Service Name Enter a name of the Windows service you want to monitor.

Save the settings to add the Windows service. To edit or delete Windows services, click the Edit or Delete options from the vertical ellipsis against Windows service you added. After the services have been added and saved, click the drop down arrow against Services, to view the list of Windows services and their status.

Metrics Tab

When data is collected successfully, you can view the metric from the Manage Telegraf Agents page, select Go To Details > Metrics tab. The metrics for the Windows service are created under an object called Services which is a single object per end point VM.