A presentation is a way the collected information for the object is presented. Each type of view helps you to interpret metrics and properties from a different perspective.

To specify the presentation of a view, from the left menu, click Visualize > Views. From the Views panel, click Create. In the New View dialog box, on the left, click Presentation. If you create a view, complete the required previous steps.

Table 1. Presentation Options in the View Workspace
View Type Description
List Provides tabular data about specific objects in the monitored environment.

Column count is limited to 25 in a PDF report and 50 in a CSV report. Page count is unlimited.

The number of columns that can be viewed in the UI is limited to 50.

Summary Provides tabular data about the use of resources in the monitored environment.
Trend Uses historic data to generate trends and forecasts for resource use and availability in the monitored environment.
Distribution Provides aggregated data about resource distribution in the monitored environment.

When you add a distribution type of View to a dashboard, you can click a section of the pie chart or on one of the bars in the bar chart to view the list of objects filtered by the selected segment.


Inserts the provided text. The text can be dynamic and contain metrics and properties.

You can format text to increase or decrease the font size, change the font color, highlight text, and align text to the left, right, or center. You can also make the selected text appear bold, in italics, or underlined.

By default the text view is available only for report template creation and modification. You can change this on the Visibility step of the view workspace.


Inserts a static image.

By default the image view is available only for report template creation and modification. You can change this on the Visibility step of the view workspace.

You can see a live preview of the view type when you select a subject and data, and Select preview source.

How to Configure the Presentation of a View

Some of the view presentations have specific configuration settings.

Table 2. Presentation Configuration Options in the View Workspace
View Type Configuration Description
  • Select the number of items per page. Each item is one row and its metrics and properties are the columns.
  • Select the top results. Restricts the number of results. For example, if you list all the clusters in a View, selecting 10 in this option displays the top 10 clusters with the relevant information. You can reduce the number of rows for the purposes of reporting.

The number of columns that can be viewed in the UI is limited to 50.

Summary Select the number of items per page. Each row is an aggregated metric or property.

Enter the maximum number of plot lines. Limits the output in terms of the objects displayed in the live preview of the view type on the left upper pane. The number you set as the maximum number of plot lines determines the plot lines.

For example, if you plot historical data and set the maximum at 30 plot lines, then 30 objects are displayed. If you plot historical, trend, and forecast lines, and set the maximum to 30 plot lines, then only 10 objects are displayed as each object has three plot lines.


Select the visualization of the distribution information in a pie chart or a bar chart.

Select the distribution type, and configure the buckets count and size.

To understand vRealize Operations distribution type, see View Distribution Type.


Configuration Option Description
Colorize The colors of the slices in the pie chart are displayed in the order of the colors in the color palette.
Select Color Select the color that you want the chart to appear in. If there is more than one slice in a pie chart, the colors are chosen sequentially from the color palette. In a bar chart, the bars are all the same color.

Distribution Type

vRealize Operations view distribution type provides aggregated data about resource distribution in the monitored environment.

Dynamic distribution
You specify in details how vRealize Operations distributes the data in the buckets.
Table 3. Dynamic Distribution Configuration Options
Configuration Option Description
Buckets Count The number of buckets to use in the data distribution.
Buckets Size Interval The bucket size is determined by the defined interval divided by the specified number of buckets.
Buckets Size Logarithmic bucketing The bucket size is calculated to logarithmically increasing sizes. This provides a continuous coverage of the whole range with the specified number of buckets. The base of the logarithmic sizing is determined by the given data.
Buckets Size Simple Max/Min bucketing The bucket size is divided equally between the measured min and max values. This provides a continuous coverage of the whole range with the specified number of buckets.
Manual distribution
You specify the number of buckets and the minimum and maximum values of each bucket.
Discrete distribution
You specify the number of buckets in which vRealize Operations distribute the data.