With the linked clone workflows, you can perform linked clone operations such as restoring a virtual machine from a linked clone, creating a linked clone, or others.

To access these workflows, navigate to Library > Workflows and enter the vcenter, virtual_machine_management and linked_clone tags in the workflow search box.

Workflow Name Description
Linked clone, Linux with multiple NICs Creates a linked clone of a Linux virtual machine, performs the guest operating system customization, and configures up to four virtual network cards.
Linked clone, Linux with single NIC Creates a linked clone of a Linux virtual machine, performs the guest operating system customization, and configures one virtual network card.
Linked clone, no customization Creates the specified number of linked clones of a virtual machine.
Linked clone, Windows with multiple NICs and credential Creates a linked clone of a Windows virtual machine and performs the guest operating system customization. Configures up to four virtual network cards and a local administrator user account.
Linked clone, Windows with single NIC and credential Creates a linked clone of a Windows virtual machine and performs the guest operating system customization. Configures one virtual network card and a local administrator user account.
Restore virtual machine from linked clone Removes a virtual machine from a linked clone setup.
Set up virtual machine for linked clone Prepares a virtual machine to be link cloned.