Restart the analytic service on a cluster if the service does not automatically restart after you restore vRealize Suite.


If files are corrupted during the restore process, the cluster analytic service fails to restart after you restore vRealize Suite. When this occurs, vRealize Operations Manager displays a waiting for analytics status for the cluster.


  1. Search all restored files for the text string @^.
    Files that contain this text string are corrupt.
  2. Replace all corrupt files with files copied from a node that still has uncorrupted files.
  3. Take the cluster offline and back online.
    If the analytic service successfully restarts when you bring the cluster online, you can skip the following steps.
  4. Run the following command on all nodes.
    $VMWARE_PYTHON_BIN $ALIVE_BASE/../vmware-vcopssuite/utilities/sliceConfiguration/bin/ --action bringSliceOffline --offlineReason "test"
  5. Stop the casa service by running the following command.
    service vmware-casa stop
  6. In the /data/db/casa/webapp/hsqldb/casa.db.script script file, set the role of all nodes to offline.
  7. Start the casa service by running the following command.
    service vmware-casa start
  8. Take the cluster offline and back online.
  9. Verify that all nodes successfully come back online.