LCM polls the VMware depot to access bundles. If you do not have internet connectivity in your Cloud Foundation system, you can use the Bundle Transfer utility to manually download the bundles from the depot on your local computer and then upload them to SDDC Manager. The utility identifies applicable bundles based on the current software versions in your environment based on a marker file generated on the SDDC Manager 仮想マシン.


A Windows or Linux computer with internet connectivity for downloading the bundles. If it is a Windows computer, it must have Java 8 or later.


  1. Using SSH, log in to the SDDC Manager 仮想マシン with the user name vcf and password you specified in the deployment parameter sheet.
  2. Navigate to the /opt/vmware/vcf/lcm/lcm-tools/bin directory.
  3. Generate a marker file by running the following command.
    ./lcm-bundle-transfer-util --generateMarker

    The marker file (markerFile) is a JSON file that contains information on the current software versions running on SDDC Manager. It also contains the bundles IDs for bundles that were downloaded before this file was generated, but no other site-specific information. The markerFile.md5 contains the checksum for the markerFile.

    The marker file is generated in the ${user.home} directory as ${user.home}/markerFile and ${user.home}/markerFile.md5.

  4. Copy the /opt/vmware/vcf/lcm/lcm-tools directory, and the ${user.home}/markerFile and ${user.home}/markerFile.md5 to a computer with internet access.
    The /opt/vmware/vcf/lcm/lcm-tools directory includes the bundle transfer utility required for the next step.
  5. If the local computer uses a proxy to connect to the internet, perform the following steps.
    1. Open the file of the Bundle Transfer utility at /directory_where_you_copied_files_in_step_4/lcm-tools/conf/
    2. Add the following lines to the end of the file:
      lcm.depot.adapter.proxyHost=proxy IP address
      lcm.depot.adapter.proxyPort=proxy port
    3. Save and close the file.
  6. On the computer with internet access, run the following command.
    ./lcm-bundle-transfer-util -download
    			 -outputDirectory ${absolute-path-output-dir}
    			 -depotUser ${depotUser} 
    			 -markerFile ${absolute-path-markerFile}
    			 -markerMd5File ${absolute-path-markerFile.md5}
    absolute-path-output-dir Path to the directory where the bundle files are to be downloaded. This directory folder must have 777 permissions.

    If you do not specify the download directory, bundles are downloaded to the default directory with 777 permissions.

    depotUser User name for myVMware depot. You are prompted to enter the depot user password. If there are any special characters in the password, specify the password within single quotes.
    markerFile Absolute path to the marker file, as generated in the above step.

    If you do not specify the path to the marker file, all bundles on the depot are downloaded.

    markerMd5File Absolute path to the marker MD5 checksum file, as generated in the above step.

    The utility generates a delta file (deltaFileDownloaded) in the download directory based on the software versions in the marker file and the bundles available on the depot. The applicable bundles identified in the delta file are downloaded. Download progress for each bundle is displayed.

    Figure 1. Download Directory Structure
  7. Copy the bundle directory from the external computer to the SDDC Manager 仮想マシン.
    For example:
    scp -pr /Work/UpdateBundle vcf@SDDC_IP:/home/vcf/vCF231to232Bundle"
  8. In the SDDC Manager 仮想マシン, change the ownership and permissions of the uploaded bundle.
    chown vcf_lcm:vcf -R /opt/vmware/vcf/vCF231to232Bundle
    chmod -R 0777 /opt/vmware/vcf/vCF231to232Bundle
  9. In the SDDC Manager 仮想マシン, upload the bundle files to the internal LCM repository.
    cd /opt/vmware/vcf/lcm/lcm-tools/bin
    ./lcm-bundle-transfer-util -upload -bundleDirectory ${absolute-path-output-dir}

    where absolute-path-output-dir is the directory where the bundle files have been be uploaded, or /opt/vmware/vcf/vCF231to232Bundle as shown in the previous step.

    The utility uploads the bundles specified in the deltaFileDownloaded file. The console displays upload status for each bundle.