vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager 中 匯入 vRealize Automation 時,該匯入失敗並顯示錯誤訊息。


如果 VMware Identity Manager 的詳細資料與 vRealize Automation 不相符,在 vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager 中匯入 vRealize Automation 時,您可能會看到下列錯誤訊息。

Error Code: LCMVRAVACONFIG590026

vRealize Automation Import failed due to VMware Identity Manager details in vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager not matching with the provided vRealize Automation. Please retry by providing vRealize Automation which has VMware Identity Manager details same as vRSCLM VMware Identity Manager details.

vRA vIDM details mismatch. vRA Import is supported only if vRSLCM vIDM is matched with vRA vIDM details.


匯入 vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager 的 VMware Identity Manager 與嘗試匯入的 vRealize Automation 主機不相符。


  1. vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager 刪除 globalenvironment。從 vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager 8.4 版起,支援在使用者介面中執行此動作。
  2. 匯入與 vRealize Automation 主機相關聯的 VMware Identity Manager
  3. 建立新請求以匯入 vRealize Automation