Containerization builds an OCI image from discovered artifacts and produces a deployment file you can use to deploy in the TKG cluster or any Kubernetes cluster.



  1. Refer the current versions of Tomcat, JRE/JDK and select the desired versions for image.
  2. Click Continue.
  3. Select the Base OS for image.
    By default, VM operating system is populated.
  4. Select the Source Registry to pull the base image, which can be embedded harbor registry, enterprise harbor registry or docker registry.
  5. Select the destination registry.
  6. Enter a proper image tag in the <repository>/<image>:<tag> format to push the image and artifacts.
  7. Click Continue.
  8. Review the selections and click CONFIRM to trigger the Build Image task.


  • An alert pops-up showing the status of the operation. Build Image Task can be tracked in the Tasks page. Click on the task within the task bar to view the logs associated with the build process.
  • After successful completion of image build and push, component details are updated with OCI image tag and artifact tag. Artifacts zip can be downloaded and contains all discovered artifacts from the domain and generated template deployment yaml file which needs to be edited to replace FIX-ME details before deploying.

What to do next

Deploy the image in the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid cluster.