Tasks represent system activities that do not complete immediately, such as introspecting a virtual machine.

A task is a group of task events. You can click on a particular task type to navigate and view the task details page.

Task details include:

  • Task Events: A list of events with details and time. Event details help to understand the actual process and enable you to identify the reason for the task failure if any.

    For example: If you run the Introspection process for a virtual machine in which the credentials are invalid or changed, you see the task failure and the Invalid VM Credentials error message with the VM name and VM moid for reference. And, during the successful introspection process, you see the event details that display the total number of processes and count of components discovered in each scanned virtual machine.

  • Task Request Data: A payload to trigger the task. It includes data specific to task request.
  • Error Info (Optional): A detailed view of the task event failure, which includes error code, error message and error trace. This enables you to identify the reason for task failure.
  • Logs (Optional): A list of virtual machines that got affected and the process collector and custom collector scripts logs. You see the logs of success events also.

    You can see the logs for the following tasks:

    You might not see the logs in some cases. For example, when an introspection task fails because of invalid credentials. This is because the collector scripts did not run on the virtual machine.

  • Task Status: Status of the task whether it is running or completed or failed.
    • NOT STARTED : The task is triggered and in queue and yet not started execution.
    • IN PROGRESS : The task is in progress. You see a percentage of completed task.
    • SUCCESS : The task is successfully completed and no longer running.
    • CANCELLED : The task was cancelled by the user and is no longer running.
    • FAILED : The task failed because of some issue. Error Info can be viewed by navigating to the task details page.
    • PARTIAL SUCCESS : The task is completed successfully but failed for some cases (events). You can view all task events (failed as well as success events) in the task details page.

Note: In some cases like Build Image task, you might see the TIMEOUT WAITING FOR EVENT message in the task details due to the large file transfer or slow network. Application Transformer for VMware Tanzu has default timeout configurations in minutes for each task.
      register-vcenter: 5
      remove-vcenter: 30
      vcenter-scan: 120
      apply-credential-policy: 120
      introspection: 120
      discover-topology: 180
      comp-analysis: 120
      push-image: 30
      build-image: 600
      support-bundle: 5
      backup-appliance: 15
      restore-appliance: 15
      binary-analysis: 180
      database-analysis: 720
You can increase the timeout period:
  1. SSH or log in to Application Transformer for VMware Tanzu console as an admin user.
  2. Open the /opt/vmware/iris/discovery/config/application.yml file.
  3. Increase the timeout period in minutes.
    Note: Do not decrease the default timeout period.
  4. Run the following command to restart Application Transformer for VMware Tanzu

    systemctl restart iris-discovery --user

    You might have to wait for a few minutes for the UI to refresh.

  5. Start the task again that was timed out.