You can add, edit and delete new component signatures for detection of components during introspection.


Ensure that you have the required permissions. For more information, see Overview Application Transformer for VMware Tanzu Roles.


  1. Click Discovery from the main menu.
  2. On the left navigation page, go to Settings > Component Signatures.
  3. Click Add Signature.
  4. Enter a unique name for the component signature and user friendly name.
    These names will be shown when you view detected components using this signature.
  5. Update the operating system specific fields.
    • ProcessName Regex: This is a set of regular expressions that will be used to match against all processes to find possible candidate processes. If any one from the processName Regex set matches then only search sequence regex matching will be performed.
    • SearchSequence Regex: This is a set of regexes that will be used to match against processes’ command line to finalize selection of components from a list of running processes.
    Note: A process can be component only if both process name and search sequence regex matches successfully.
  6. (Optional) Upload the custom collector script zip file for Linux or Windows.
    • Custom collector script zip must include an init script with the same name which was provided in the init script field.
    • First parameter must always be the log file name, followed by the full path of the output JSON file. Remaining parameters you can pass using the params option.

    • The meta data generated from a custom collector must be of Map <String, String> type.

    • The meta data must contain the version and unique identifier.
      Note: The VERSION and the UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER parameters are fixed. You can add additional parameters that you want custom collectors to collect, which can be helpful in containerization flow.
      Sample meta data JSON:
      "VERSION”: “<value>”,
    • For Windows:
      • Init Script Name: Script which will be used to start custom collector scripts to collect meta data.
      • Params: This can have comma separated extra parameters which can be used by custom scripts. Some generic parameters which can be passed are:
        • ##PID##
        • ##WORKING_DIR##

        • ##COMMAND_LINE##


    • For Linux:

      Run the following command:

      /bin/bash <working_dir>/<component_key>/<> <log_file_name> <working_dir>/output/<component_key>/<pid>/<metadata_output_file.json> <comma_seperated_additional_params>


By default, the component signature will be added to the introspection filters.

What to do next

Introspect the VMs