A role is a predefined set of privileges. Application Transformer for VMware Tanzu supports predefined roles such as ROOT, ADMIN, OPERATOR, VIEWER. You can pair these roles with a new user.


Users with the ROOT role can view and perform all actions on the application. The user created during appliance deployment is an admin user with the ROOT role.


Users with the ADMIN role can view and perform all actions on the application, except containerization.


Users with the OPERATOR role can view all flows, but restricted from managing credentials and credential policies, and certain tasks under Administration section.


Users with the VIEWER role can just audit all the information, and not allowed to perform any other actions, except creating support bundles.

For more details, see the below table.
Table 1. Feature Availability Based on User Role
Feature Root Admin Operator Viewer
Manage Credentials Yes Yes No No
Managing Credential Policy Yes Yes No No
Manage Component Signatures Yes Yes No No
Managing Tasks Yes Yes Yes Yes
Register vCenter Yes Yes Yes No
Scan and Introspect vCenter Yes Yes Yes No
Discover Application Topology Yes Yes Yes No
View VM details Yes Yes Yes Yes
View the Process Details Yes Yes Yes Yes
Introspect VMs Yes Yes Yes No
Assign Tags Yes Yes Yes No
View and Edit Component Details Yes Yes Yes No
Add Notes to Components Yes Yes Yes No
Add an Image Registry Yes No Yes No
View Embedded Harbor Details Yes No Yes Yes
Add Third Party Artifacts Yes No Yes No
IIS Website Containerization Yes No Yes No
Microsoft .NET Core Console App Containerization Yes No Yes No
WebLogic Containerization Yes No Yes No
Tomcat Containerization Yes No Yes No
Process Containerization Yes No Yes No
VM Containerization Yes No Yes No
Add and Associate vRealize Network Insight Yes Yes Yes No
View Applications and Discovery Yes Yes Yes Yes
Create Users and Assign Roles Yes Yes No No
Backup and Restore an Appliance Yes Yes Yes No
Update the Appliance Version Yes No No No
Create a Support Bundle Yes Yes Yes Yes
Join or Leave the Customer Experience Improvement Program Yes Yes No No