
  • Ensure that you have the required permissions. For more information, see Overview Application Transformer for VMware Tanzu Roles.

  • You must have the discovered and containerized Oracle WebLogic Server components.
  • Upload artifacts for desired versions of the Oracle WebLogic Server and JDK. See Step 1.
  • Add an Image Registry for source and destination registries.
  • My Oracle Support Account in Settings > Credentials > My oracle Support Accounts. This is needed only if Oracle WebLogic Server needs a patch or containerized Oracle WebLogic Server version is as required patch 29135930 will be applied during image creation.


  1. Click Transform from the main menu.
  2. On the left navigation page, go to Inventory > Applications.
  3. Click on the arrow next to the application name. You see the list of components in the application that were promoted to transform.
  4. Perform the actions based on your requirements.
    Action Procedure
    To upgrade Oracle WebLogic Server and JDK
    1. Click Upgrade WebLogic /JDK.
    2. Enter the desired version of Oracle WebLogic Server version
    3. Enter the desired JDK version
    To upgrade the OS Base Image
    1. Click Upgrade OS base image.
    2. Enter the desired version for the OS base image.
    3. Select the source registry.
    To upgrade applications
    1. Click Upgrade Applications. You see the WAR files of all applications that were selected for containerization.
    2. Click UPLOAD to push the new WAR file with the application updates.
    3. Select the updated WAR file of the application.
    To apply patches
    1. Click Apply Patches.
    2. Add the new patch in comma separated list. You can review the previously applied patch number or delete the applied patch.
    3. Select the My Oracle Support Account.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Select the destination registry and provide a proper image tag in the <repository>/<image>:<tag> format to push the image and artifacts.
  7. Click Continue.
  8. Review the selections and click CONFIRM to trigger the Update Image task.


After successful completion of image build and push, component details are updated with OCI image tag and artifact tag. You can download the artifacts ZIP file, which contains all discovered artifacts from the domain and also download the generated YAML template deployment file, which needs an edit to replace FIX-ME details before deploying.

What to do next

Deploy Oracle WebLogic Server Image in Tanzu Kubernetes Grid