You can update the defined rules in the credential policy or delete the defined policy.


Ensure that you have the required permissions. For more information, see Overview Application Transformer for VMware Tanzu Roles.


  1. Click Discovery from the main menu.
  2. On the left navigation page, go to Settings > Policy.
  3. To edit a credential policy:
    1. Click VM Credential Association Policy.
    2. Expand a policy in the table and click Edit.
    3. Update existing rules or add new rules.
      • To add a new rule, click Add Rule.
      • To remove a rule, close the rule.
    4. Click Dry Run.
      You can see the VMs under Affected Virtual Machines that matched the credential policy.
    5. Click Apply.
  4. To remove a credential policy:
    1. Select a policy from the table.
    2. Click Delete. (Note: Existing associations are not affected, only policy is removed.) The policy does not appear in the table.
      Note: This deletes the policy, but existing associations remain the same.

      The policy does not appear in the table.


You can see a task and its progress for associating the credentials to VMs as per defined policy on the Tasks pane or Tasks page.