You can calculate the cost for each virtual machine and resources.

You can optionally list the Organizations VDCs for which the adapter instance collects data. For policy allocation models, see vCloud Director' Administrator's Guide.
Note: The pricing policies apply to VMs at a minimum granularity of five minutes. The VMs that are created and deleted within the short span of five minutes will still be charged.



  1. On the left pane, click the Metering > Configuration tab.
  2. Select Pricing Policies > Add New Policy.
  3. To create a pricing policy:
    Option Description
    Base Settings
    1. Enter the Policy Name. The policy name uniquely identifies your policy.
    2. Select the Pricing Policy Type from the drop-down menu. The pricing policy type determines your billing model based on the Organization VDC type.
    3. Enable the Price based on sizing policies option to charge based on the pricing policy created in vCloud Director instead of charging individually for CPU and Memory.
    4. The Currency text box displays the currency as set in the vRealize Operations Manager.
    5. Enter a valid description for the Policy Description and click Next.
    Sizing Policy Sizing policies are a way of defining template VM sizes such as Small, Medium, and Large, in terms of vCPU and Memory. This option appears only when you enable the Price based on sizing policies option in Base Settings.
    1. Select the Charge Period which indicates the frequency of charging.
    2. Select the Sizing Policy Name from the drop-down menu.
    3. Enter a valid number for Base Rate.
    4. Select the Charge Based on Power State by selecting the charge from the drop-down menu. This decides whether the charge should be applied based on the power state of the VM.
    5. Click Add and then click Next.
    CPU Rate You can charge the CPU rate based on GHz or vCPU Count.
    1. For Base Rate, select the Charge Period and Charge Based on from the drop-down menu. The Charge Period indicates the frequency of charging and Charge Based on indicates the pricing model based on which the charge is applied.
    2. Enter a valid number for Default Base Rate .
    3. Using slabs, you can optionally charge different rates depending on the number of vCPUs used. Enter valid numbers for Base Rate Slab and click Add Slab.

      The base rate slab allows you to change the rate of charging based on the resources used. For example, if you enter 5 in Greater than or equal and 5 as Base Rate, it means if the usage is 5 vCPU and above, then the Base Rate of 5 will be applied for whole usage.

    4. Select the Charge Based on Power State by selecting the charge from the drop-down menu. This decides whether the charge should be applied based on the power state of the VM.
    5. For Fixed Cost, enter a valid number. Fixed costs do not depend on the units of charging.
    6. Click Next.
    Memory Rate
    1. For Base Rate, select the Charge Period and Charge Based on from the drop-down menu. The Charge Period indicates the frequency of charging and Charge Based on indicates the pricing model based on which the charge is applied.
    2. Select the Charge Based on Power State from the drop-down menu. This decides if the charge should be applied based on the power state of the VM.
    3. Enter a valid number for Default Base Rate.
    4. Using slabs, you can optionally charge different rates depending on the memory allocated. Enter valid numbers for Base Rate Slab and click Add Slab.

      The base rate slab allows you to change the rate of charging based on the resources used. For example, if you enter 50 in Greater than or equal and 10 as Base Rate, it means if the usage is 50 GB and above, then the Base Rate of 10 will be applied for whole usage.

    5. For Fixed Cost, enter a valid number. Fixed costs do not depend on the units of charging.
    6. Click Next.
    Storage Rate
    You can charge for storage either based on storage policies or independent of it. The Default Rate option appears only when you have selected Aggregate storage charges from Storage profiles for payg Org-VDCs in the Pricing Settings tab. To charge independent of storage policies, select provide the following details:
    Note: This way of setting rates will be deprecated in the future release and it is advisable to instead use the Storage Policy option.
    1. For Base Rate, select the Charge Period and Charge Based on from the drop-down menu. The Charge Period indicates the frequency of charging and Charge Based on indicates the pricing model based on which the charge is applied.
    2. Enter a valid number for Base Rate.
    3. Select the Charge Based on Power State from the drop-down menu. This decides if the charge should be applied based on the power state of the VM.
    4. For Fixed Cost, enter a valid number. Fixed costs do not depend on the units of charging.
    5. Click Add and then click Next.
    To charge based on storage policies, select Storage Policy, and provide the following details:
    Note: Storage prices are calculated based on usage by storage policies that are independent of underlying VMs and templates, or by aggregating the usage from underlying VMs and templates. The difference is that the former considers indirect disks such as log disks and swap disks, whereas the latter considers only the storage used directly by the VMs. You can change this setting under Configuration > Pricing Settings. To charge by aggregating the usage from underlying VMs and templates, see Creating and Assigning vCenter Storage Profile Tag in Tenant App.
    1. Select the Storage Policy Name from the drop-down menu.
      Note: The rate specified using the Default option is used for any storage policy for which rate is not explicitly specified.
    2. For Base Rate, select the Charge Period and Charge Based on from the drop-down menu.

      The Charge Period indicates the frequency of charging and the Charge Based on indicates the pricing model based on which the charge is applied. You can charge for used storage or configured storage of the VMs, for example, if a VM has a 20 GB disk and if 12 GB is utilized, setting the Charge Based on to Usage will charge for 12 GB and setting it to Limit will charge for 20 GB. For more details, see

    3. Select the Charge Based on Power State from the drop-down menu. This decides if the charge should be applied based on the power state of the VM.
    4. Enter a valid number for Default Base Rate.
    5. Using slabs, you can optionally charge different rates depending on the storage allocated. Enter valid numbers for Base Rate Slab and click Add Slab.

      The base rate slab allows you to change the rate of charging based on the resources used. For example, if you enter 50 in Greater than or equal and 10 as Base Rate, it means if the usage is 50 GB and above, then the Base Rate of 10 will be applied for whole usage.

    6. Click Add and then click Next.
    Network Rate
    1. Enter the External Network Transmit and External Network Receive rates.
      Note: If your network is backed by NSX-T, you will be charged only for the network data transmit and network data receive.
    2. Under Network Transmit Rate, select the Change Period from the drop-down menu, and enter the Default Base Rate .
    3. Using slabs, you can optionally charge different rates depending on the network data consumed. Enter valid numbers for Base Rate Slab and click Add Slab.

      The base rate slab allows you to change the rate of charging based on the resources used. For example, if you enter 50 in Greater than or equal and 10 as Base Rate, it means if the usage is 50 Mbps and above, then the Base Rate of 10 will be applied for whole usage.

    4. Select the Usage based on which you want to charge.
    5. Under Network Receive Rate, select the Change Period from the drop-down menu and enter the Default Base Rate.
    6. Using slabs, you can optionally charge different rates depending on the network data consumed. Enter valid numbers for Base Rate Slab and click Add Slab.

      The base rate slab allows you to change the rate of charging based on the resources used. For example, if you enter 50 in Greater than or equal and 10 as Base Rate, it means if the usage is 50 Mbps and above, then the Base Rate of 10 will be applied for whole usage.

    7. Select the Usage based on which you want to charge.
    8. Click Next.
    Advanced Network Rate
    1. Enter the Charge Period and Base Rate in the displayed fields.
    2. Under Edge Gateway Size, enter the base rates for the corresponding edge gateway sizes.
    Guest OS Rate Use the Guest OS Rate to charge differently for different operating systems .
    1. Enter the Guest OS Name.
    2. Select the Charge Period and Charge Based on Power state from the drop-down menu.
    3. Enter the Base Rate and click Add and then, click Next .
    Cloud Director Availability Use the Cloud Director Availability to set pricing for replications created from Cloud Director Availability. You can charge for replication objects for their storage, based on the SLA profile they belong to. You can also charge for the storage consumed by replication objects in the Storage Rate section.
    1. Enter a replication policy name for the Replication SLA Profile.
    2. Select the Charge Period snd enter the Base Rate.
    3. Click Add and then, click Next.
    vCenter Tag Rate Use the vCenter Tag Rate to charge differently for different tags set on VM .
    1. Enter the Tag Category and Tag Value.
    2. Select if you want to charge based on Fixed Rate or Alternate Pricing Policy.
    3. Select the alternate Pricing Policy name. This option appears only when you charge based on Alternate Pricing Policy.
    4. Select the Priority for the alternate pricing policy. This option appears only when you charge based on Alternate Pricing Policy. When the metadata or tag-based charges overlap, setting a priority allows you to define which policy should be processed first.
    5. Select the Charge Period and Charge Based on Power state from the drop-down menu.
    6. Enter the Base Rate and click Add, and then, click Next.
    VCD Metadata Rate Use the VCD Metadata Rate to charge differently for different metadata set on vApps.
    1. Enter the Tag Key and Tag Value.
    2. Select if you want to charge based on Fixed Rate or Alternate Pricing Policy.
    3. Select the alternate Pricing Policy name. This option appears only when you charge based on Alternate Pricing Policy.
    4. Select the Priority for the alternate pricing policy. This option appears only when you charge based on Alternate Pricing Policy. When the metadata or tag-based charges overlap, setting a priority allows you to define which policy should be processed first.
    5. Select the Charge Period and Charge Based on Power state from the drop-down menu.
    6. Enter the Base Rate and click Add, and then, click Next.
    One Time Fixed Cost Use the One Time Fixed Cost section to charge for one time incidental charges on Virtual Machines. These costs do not repeat on a recurring basis.
    1. Enter the One time fixed cost to charge for the setup fee of the VMs.
    2. Using tags, you can charge for other incidental charges such as 'OS patching charge' based one time fixed costs. Under VCD Metadata, enter the Tag Key and Tag Value.
    3. Enter the One time fixed cost and click Add.
    4. Under vCenter Tag, enter the Tag Key and Tag Value.
    5. Enter the One time fixed cost and click Add.
    6. Click Next.
    Rate Factors Use Rate Factors to either increase or discount the prices against individual resources consumed by the Virtual Machines or by whole charges against the Virtual Machine.
    1. For any resource with Metadata, enter the Tag Key and Tag Value under VCD Metadata.
    2. Select Change the price of and increase or decrease the price by entering a valid number in By applying a factor of. For example, if you want to increase the price of CPU which has a tag 'Tag1-Value1' by 20% then select CPU from the Change the price of drop-down menu and enter 1.2 in By applying a factor of.
    3. Click Add.
    4. For any resource with Tag, enter the Tag Key and Tag Value under vCenter Tag.
    5. Select Change the price of and increase or decrease the price by entering a valid number in By applying a factor of. For example, if you want to increase the price of CPU which has a tag 'Tag1-Value1' by 20% then select CPU from the Change the price of drop-down menu and enter 1.2 in By applying a factor of.
    6. Click Add and then, click Next.
    Additional Fixed Cost Use the Additional Fixed Cost section to charge at the Org-VDC level. You can use this for charges such as overall tax, overall discounts, and so on. The charges can be applied to selective Org-VDCs based on Org-VDC metadata.
    1. Under the Fixed Cost, enter the Charge Period and Fixed Cost.
    2. Under VCD Metadata, enter the Tag Key and Tag Value.
    3. Enter the Charge Period and Base Rate, and click Add.
    4. Under VCD Metadata One Time, enter the Tag Key and Tag Value.
    5. Enter the One time fixed cost to charge for the Org-VDC, and click Add.
    6. Click Next.
    Review Review the summary and click Finish.
  4. On the Organization VDCs tab, select an Organization VDC and click Assign.
  5. Select a policy and click Assign.
    The policy is assigned to the selected Organization VDC.