You use the Site Recovery Manager Appliance Management Interface to apply patches and updates to the virtual appliance.


  • If you are not updating the appliance from an online URL, download the Site Recovery Manager ISO image and mount it on a system in your environment.
  • Perform a configuration export by using the VMware Site Recovery Manager 8.5 Configuration Import/Export Tool. See, Exporting and Importing Site Recovery Manager Configuration Data.


  1. Log in to the Site Recovery Manager Appliance Management Interface as admin.
  2. Click Update.
  3. To configure your update settings, click Edit.
    Option Description
    Online repository To use the repository, you must copy the update folder from the ISO image to a web server and provide the URL of that folder.
    1. Select Use repository.
    2. Enter the repository URL, user name (optional), and password (optional).
    Downloadable ISO file Select Use CD-ROM.
  4. Click OK.
  5. In the Available updates pane, click Install.
  6. Accept the end-user license agreement, and click Install.
    After the update is complete, the appliance restarts.
  7. Refresh the browser window to reload the Site Recovery Manager Appliance Management Interface.
  8. Log in to the Site Recovery Manager Appliance Management Interface as admin.
  9. Click Reconfigure.
  10. Follow the prompts, provide the required information, and click Finish.