The tutorials show you how to perform common tasks that help you become proficient with Automation Assembler.

As you begin, a reminder that in addition to the steps in the tutorials, there is additional information in this guide. Links are provided to relevant topics.

Accessing user assistance

Equally important, user assistance is provided throughout the application. The user assistance helps you understand features and provides information that helps you make decisions about how to populate text boxes. The external documentation provides greater depth, code samples, and use cases.

Assistance type How to access assistance Example
Field-level signpost help Click the Info icon (Info icon that opens the signpost help for a field.) beside a field. Example of signpost help that illustrates the available detailed information.
Contextual support panel help Click the Help icon (Help icon that opens the support panel on the right side of the page.) beside your name and organization. Example of the support panel with a list of topics related to the current page in the user interface.
Access the external documentation Click an article title that is labeled Docs or click the View More in VMware Docs. Example of the support panel with "Docs" and the "View More in VMware Docs" link highlighted.