You can delete extracted fields that are no longer needed.
VMware Aria Operations for Logs creates copies of the fields that you use when you create widgets, queries, or alerts. If you delete a field that is used in widgets, queries, or alerts, VMware Aria Operations for Logs creates a temporary copy of the deleted field for each widget, query, or alert that uses that field.
You can delete only fields that have the Edit this field icon next to their names. Administrators and users with edit access for the permission can delete their own content and their shared content. Other users can delete only their own content.
Content pack fields are read-only.
Verify that you are logged in to the VMware Aria Operations for Logs web user interface as a user associated with the User role, or a role that has the relevant permissions. For more information, see Create and Modify Roles in Administering VMware Aria Operations for Logs. The URL format of the web user interface is https://operations_for_logs-host, where operations_for_logs-host is the IP address or host name of the VMware Aria Operations for Logs virtual appliance.
If a deleted field is used in existing queries, VMware Aria Operations for Logs creates a temporary copy of the field and displays it when you load a query that uses the deleted field.
If you export content that contains temporary fields, VMware Aria Operations for Logs creates the fields in the exported content pack to avoid temporary fields.