You can share a dashboard to make it visible to other users. You can assign read and write permissions to the users in your region or organization, based on their roles. You can also provide read access to external users.


Verify that you have the permission to modify the dashboard. For more information about dashboard types and permissions, see Working with Dashboards.


  1. Expand the main menu and click Dashboards.
  2. Locate the dashboard that you want to share. You can search for the dashboard by entering keywords in the search text box or by using the sort, list, or filter functionalities.
  3. Click the three dots icon against the dashboard name and then click Access Control.
    Alternatively, you can click the dashboard name and then click the Share icon in the upper-right corner.
  4. Do either of the following:
    • To provide access to users in your region or organization, in the Choose Roles drop-down menu, select roles and whether you want to provide read or write access to each of these roles. The access rights apply to all the users associated with the selected roles, when they are logged in.

      After providing access, click Done.

      As a result, the dashboard no longer appears as a private dashboard in the Dashboards page but instead appears as a shared dashboard.

      Note: The users provided with write access can further modify the access control rights for the dashboard.
    • To provide read access to users outside your region or organization, click Copy Link, and then click Copy Link again in the pop-up window. You can share this link with external users. When these users access the link, they see a read-only view of the dashboard without logging in.

      After copying the link, click Close.