After creating a private dashboard, you can modify the dashboard and its widgets. You can edit shared dashboards only if you have the write access. You can also make minor modifications to content pack dashboards, such as exporting them in PDF format, adding them to lists, and marking them as favorite.


Verify that you have the permission to modify the dashboard. For more information about dashboard types and permissions, see Working with Dashboards.


  1. Expand the main menu and click Dashboards.
  2. Locate the dashboard that you want to modify. You can search for the dashboard by entering keywords in the search text box or by using the sort, list, or filter functionalities. You can filter dashboards by origin, tags, and lists.
  3. Do either of the following:
    • Mark the dashboard as favorite by clicking the star icon against the dashboard name.
      The dashboard appears when you:
      • Expand the List drop-down menu in the filter panel of the Dashboards page to search for dashboards by list, and then click Favorites.
      To remove the dashboard from favorites, click the star icon again.
    • Share the dashboard.
    • Duplicate the dashboard. Click the three dots icon against the dashboard name and click Clone.
    • Add the dashboard to a list. Click the three dots icon against the dashboard name and click Add to List. You can select an existing list or create a new list.
      Note: Lists help users group dashboards according to their requirement. Lists are associated with individual users and are not visible to other users in the region or organization.
      In the Dashboards page, you can filter dashboards by lists. Click the List drop-down menu in the left filter panel and click a list to view the dashboards in that list.
    • Remove the dashboard. Click the three dots icon against the dashboard name and click Delete.
    • Add tags to the dashboard. Click Add tags or the plus icon under the dashboard name. You can select existing tags or create a new tag.
      Note: Similar to lists, tags help users group dashboards, but they are visible to all the users in the region or organization.
      On the Dashboards page, you can filter dashboards by tags. Expand the Tag drop-down menu in the filter panel and select one or more tags to view the dashboards linked to the tags.
    • Filter the dashboard content to view your preferred information. Click the dashboard name to open the respective dashboard page and click Add Filters to add filters to that dashboard.
    • Refresh the dashboard to view the latest data. Click the dashboard name to open the respective dashboard page and click Refresh on the upper-right corner of the page.
    • Modify the time range for the dashboard content. Click the dashboard name to open the respective dashboard page and click the time range in the upper-right corner.
    • Make the dashboard your landing page. Click the dashboard name to open the respective dashboard page, click the three dots icon in the upper-right corner, and click Set as Landing Page. The next time you access VMware Aria Operations for Logs (SaaS), the dashboard will be the first page you see.
    • Export the dashboard in PDF format. Click the dashboard name to open the respective dashboard page, click the three dots icon in the upper-right corner, and click Export as Report.
    • Modify the dashboard name. Click the dashboard name to open the respective dashboard page, click the three dots icon in the upper-right corner, click Edit, and in the upper-left corner, edit the name in the text box. Click Save.
  4. Add a widget to the dashboard.
  5. View the query associated with a widget in the dashboard. Click the dashboard name to open the respective dashboard page, click the three dots icon in the upper-right corner of a widget, and click View Log Query.
  6. To modify a widget, click the dashboard name, click the three dots icon in the upper-right corner, click Edit, and do either of the following:
    • Resize a widget by using the double-headed arrow icons in the lower-left and lower-right corners of the widget.
    • Reposition a widget by dragging it across the dashboard.
    • Modify the name and description of a widget. Click the pencil icon in the upper-right corner of the widget.
    • Change the widget chart type. Click the presentation icon in the upper-right corner of the widget and select a chart type. For example, you can change a column chart to a line chart.

      For information about charts, see Chart Types for Logs.

    • Remove a widget by clicking the trash icon in the upper-right corner of the widget.
    Click Save after modifying the widget.