You can apply sections or context from one dashboard to another. You can connect widgets and views to widgets and views in the same dashboard or to other dashboards to investigate problems or better analyze the provided information.

Where You Add Another Dashboard

To create dashboard navigation to a dashboard, from the left menu, click Visualize > Dashboards. From the Dashboards panel, click Create to add a dashboard. In the dashboard workspace, click Show Interactions. From the Select Another Dashboard drop-down menu, select the dashboard to which you want to navigate.

To edit your dashboard, from the left menu, click Visualize > Dashboards. From the Dashboards panel, select the dashboard you want to edit and select Actions > Edit Dashboard.

How Dashboard Navigation Works

You can create dashboard navigation only for provider widgets and views. The provider widget or view sends information to the destination widget or view. When you create dashboard navigation, the destination widgets or views are filtered based on the information type they can receive.

How to Add Dashboard Navigation to a Dashboard

The list of available dashboards for navigation depends on the available dashboards and the widgets and views in the current dashboard. To add navigation, you can drag from a sender widget interaction plug to a receiver widget interaction plug. You can select more than one applicable widget or view.

Note: If a dashboard is unavailable for selection, it is unavailable for dashboard navigation.

The Dashboard Navigation icon (Dashboard to dashboard navigation icon ) appears in the top menu of each widget or view when a dashboard navigation is available.

After you have set widget interaction in the provider dashboard, the widget and menu bar are highlighted and two arrows appear in the top-left corner of the widget. After you have set widget interaction, clicking the object in the provider widget takes you to the receiver widget of the navigated dashboard.