A widget is a pane on a dashboard that contains information about configured attributes, resources, applications, or the overall processes in your environment. Widgets can provide a holistic, end-to-end view of the health of all the objects and applications in your enterprise. If your user account has the necessary access rights, you can add and remove widgets from your dashboards.

Table 1. Summary of Widgets
Widget Name Description
Alert List Shows a list of alerts for the objects that the widget is configured to monitor. If no objects are configure, the list displays all alerts in your environment.
Alert Volume Shows a trend report for the last seven days of alerts generated for the objects it is configured to monitor.
Anomalies Shows a chart of the anomalies count for the past 6 hours.
Anomaly Breakdown Shows the likely root causes for symptoms for a selected resource.
Capacity Remaining Shows a percentage indicating the remaining computing resources as a percent of the total consumer capacity. It also displays the most constrained resource.
Container Details Shows the health and alert counts for each tier in a single selected container.
Container Overview Shows the overall health and the health of each tier for one or more containers.
Current Policy Shows the highest priority policy applied to a custom group.
Data Collection Results Shows a list of all supported actions specific for a selected object.
DRS Cluster Settings Shows the workload of the available clusters and the associated hosts.
Efficiency Shows the status of the efficiency-related alerts for the objects that it is configured to monitor. Efficiency is based on generated efficiency alerts in your environment.
Environment Lists the number of resources by object or groups them by object type.
Environment Overview Shows the performance status of objects in your virtual environment and their relationships. You can click an object to highlight its related objects and double-click an object to view its Resource Detail page.
Environment Status Shows statistics for the overall monitored environment.
Faults Shows a list of availability and configuration issues for a selected resource.
Forensics Shows how often a metric had a particular value, as a percentage of all values, within a given time period. It can also compare percentages for two time periods.
Geo Shows where your objects are located on a world map, if your configuration assigns values to the Geo Location object tag.
Health Shows the status of the health-related alerts for the objects that it is configured to monitor. Health is based on generated health alerts in your environment.
Health Chart Shows health information for selected resources, or all resources that have a selected tag.
Heat Map Shows a heat map with the performance information for a selected resource.
Mashup Chart Brings together disparate pieces of information for a resource. It shows a health chart and metric graphs for key performance indicators (KPIs). This widget is typically used for a container.
Metric Chart Shows a chart with the workload of the object over time based on the selected metrics.
Metric Picker Shows a list of available metrics for a selected resource. It works with any widget that can provide resource ID.
Object List Shows a list of all defined resources.
Object Relationship Shows the hierarchy tree for the selected object.
Object Relationship (Advanced) Shows the hierarchy tree for the selected objects. It provides advanced configuration options.
Property List Shows the properties and their values of an object that you select.
Recommended Actions Displays recommendations to solve problems in your vCenter Server instances. With recommendations, you can run actions on your data centers, clusters, hosts, and virtual machines.
Risk Shows the status of the risk-related alerts for the objects that it is configured to monitor. Risk is based on generated risk alerts in your environment.
Rolling View Chart Cycles through selected metrics at an interval that you define and shows one metric graph at a time. Miniature graphs, which you can expand, appear for all selected metrics at the bottom of the widget.
Scoreboard Shows values for selected metrics, which are typically KPIs, with color coding for defined value ranges.
Scoreboard Health Shows color-coded health, risk, and efficiency scores for selected resources.
Sparkline Chart Shows graphs that contain metrics for an object . If all the metrics in the Sparkline Chart widget are for an object that another widget provides, the object name appears at the top right of the widget.
Tag Picker Lists all defined resource tags.
Text Display Reads text from a Web page or text file and shows the text in the user interface.
Time Remaining Shows a chart of the Time Remaining values for a specific resource over the past 7 days.
Top Alerts Lists the alerts most likely to negatively affect your environment based on the configured alert type and objects.
Top-N Shows the top or bottom N number metrics or resources in various categories, such as the five applications that have the best or worst health.
Topology Graph Shows multiple levels of resources between nodes.
View Shows a defined view depending on the configured resource.
Weather Map Uses changing colors to show the behavior of a selected metric over time for multiple resources.
Workload Shows workload information for a selected resource.
Workload Pattern Shows a historical view of the hourly workload pattern of an object.

For more information about the widgets, see the VMware Aria Operations help.