Widget interactions are the configured relationships between widgets in a dashboard where one widget provides information to a receiving widget. When you are using a widget in the dashboard, you select data on one widget to limit the data that appears in another widget, allowing you to focus on a smaller subset data.

How Interactions Work

If you configured interactions between widget at the dashboard level, you can then select one or more objects in the providing widget to filter the data that appears in the receiving widget, allowing you to focus on data related to an object.

To use the interaction option between the widgets in a dashboard, you configure interactions at the dashboard level. If you do not configure any interactions, the data that appears in the widgets is based on how the widget is configured.

When you configure widget interaction, you specify the providing widget for the receiving widget. For some widgets, you can define two providing widgets, each of which can be used to filter data in the receiving widget.

For example, if you configured the Object List widget to be a provider widget for the Top-N widget, you can select one or more objects in the Object List widget and the Top-N displays data only for the selected objects.

For some widgets, you can define more than one providing widget. For example, you can configure the Metric Chart widget to receive data from a metrics provider widget and an objects providing widget. In such case, the Metric Chart widget shows data for any object that you select in the two provider widgets.