You can upgrade or downgrade the Kubernetes Sensor through the Command Line.

This method:
  • Requires direct user access to the cluster.
  • Simply patches the sensor version.
  • Does not enable or disable features.
  • Does not override customized values with default values.
  • Does not change the cluster or sensor configuration.

For a more thorough upgrade experience, upgrade the sensor through the console instead. See Upgrade or Downgrade the Kubernetes Sensor through the Console.


  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Run the following command, where the value definition is the version of the sensor.
    kubectl patch --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/version", "value":"3.0.2”}]
    Note: cbcontainers-agent refers to the Kubernetes Sensor. In the preceding code block, 3.0.2 is the latest Kubernetes Sensor version. Substitute this value with the appropriate version.

    You can use the Setup API to list the supported Kubernetes Sensor versions. See /deploy/sensors and /deploy/compatibility. The former API usage lists available sensor versions; the latter API usage defines operator and sensor version compatibility.

What to do next

Check the Kubernetes Sensor Status and Health