This section describes how to prepare your environment for securing Kubernetes with Carbon Black Container.

Follow these basic steps to set up your container environment: for Carbon Black Container security:

  1. Make sure your Kubernetes environment meets the supported Operating Environment Requirements for the Kubernetes Sensor. See Kubernetes Sensor OER.
  2. Add users and assign user roles so that the appropriate people can install, configure, and manage Carbon Black Container security features.
  3. Optionally review and manually install the Operator and Agent. (This deployment happens automatically during Step 4.)
  4. Add Kubernetes clusters to the Carbon Black Cloud console and install a Kubernetes sensor into each Kubernetes cluster that you want to protect.
  5. Optionally install Containerized Sensors for non-Kubernetes environments.
  6. Download, add, and configure a CLI client to scan local images.

You will then be ready to create scopes and policies to manage your containers.