The Linux sensor keeps its primary configuration details together with transient state in the /var/opt/carbonblack/psc/cfg.ini file.

The cfg.ini file is created when the sensor is installed. It changes while the sensor is running, and is used to manage many long term stateful processes such as software upgrades, communication configuration and state, and device registration information.

The sensor normally reads the cfg.ini file one time upon startup and writes it one or more time when the sensor needs to update its information. Therefore, you must edit the cfg.ini file while the sensor is stopped. Modifications done while the sensor is running are likely to be overwritten by the sensor’s next update of the file, and in any case are not visible to the sensor until its next startup. It is advisable to plan what changes to make to reduce the sensor downtime that occurs while editing the file.

The script installs the sensor on an endpoint (see Install a Linux Sensor on a Single Endpoint). When running this script, you can set cfg.ini fields by using the --prop option of that script. For example, the following would set the email address for this sensor:

./install --prop '[email protected]'
Tip: In this example, the parameter is enclosed in single quotation marks. This is not strictly required in this case, but it is a good practice.
Table 1. Supported cfg.ini (--prop) Options
Option Value Notes
CompanyCode String value

Тo access or regenerate a company code, navigate to Endpoints > Sensor Options > Company Codes. You must enclose the company code in single quotes.

The company code identifies the company that owns this machine. Across an organization, all machines must have the same value for this option.
Important: Carbon Black does not recommend using the company code, unless you are managing VDI environments and must copy the company code to new instances. The company code value is already set during sensor installation, by providing a registration code to the script.
GroupName String value

Always enclose this value with quotes if the policy name (group name) includes spaces.

Optional policy name assignment. This field sets the Policy value for this endpoint. This affects what rule sets are applied to this sensor. This can be used to pre-set the policy used by the sensor at install time.
Note: It might be easier to manage this in the Carbon Black Cloud console; the backend might change this field depending on changes made in the console. This assignment can also be set during installation:. / --groupname 'SensorGroupName'
EmailAddress You can set any email address. This is the point of contact for administering this sensor. The provided address is visible in the Endpoints page in the console.
ProxyServer server:port You can set the ProxyServer field to direct sensor network traffic through a proxy server (such as a `squid` proxy server.) You can specify the server IP address.
ProxyPemFile Provide the full file path and file name of the PEM file. For example: ./ --proxy --prop ProxyPemFile=/path/path/my-pem-file.pem. The PEM file is used to connect to some proxies that use certificate-based authentication. The PEM file is only used if the proxy server is also set. If there is no PEM file, the proxy server connection will be attempted without authentication.