You can install a Carbon Black Cloud Linux sensor on a single endpoint by following this procedure.


  1. Extract the contents of the installer package into a temporary directory cb-psc-install. See Unpack the Agent.
  2. Install and register the sensor by running the following command; replace '<COMPANY_CODE>' with your company registration code:
    sudo cb-psc-install/ '<COMPANY_CODE>'

    For Linux sensor versions 2.11.1 onwards, you can specify proxy server details while installing and registering the sensor through command line. Replace the '<COMPANY_CODE>' with your company registration code:

    sudo cb-psc-install/ [-p|--proxy 'proxyhost:proxyport'] '<COMPANY_CODE>'

    For Linux sensor versions 2.6.0 onwards, you can pass optional parameters from the cfg.ini file to the install script. For a full list of parameters and additional information about cfg.ini, see About the Linux Sensor cfg.ini File.

    Note: -p|--proxy is an optional parameter available for Linux sensor versions 2.11.1 onwards. It passes proxy server details for the endpoint to communicate with backend. You can specify the IP address or hostname as part of proxyhost.
    Note: The Linux sensor only supports a HTTP non-authenticated proxy server through cfg.ini.
    Table 1.
    Proxy Type IP Format FDQN Format
    HTTP ip:port fdqn:port
    HTTP http://ip:port http://fdqn:port

    Example Cfg.ini settings:
